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"Uh, yeah." Shuichi said before walking into the arena, Kokichi following.

"Wanna do last man standing?" Maki asked.

"Sure why not?" Kokichi said with a grin.

"I'm going to regret this." Shuichi mumbled.

"Ready?" Maki asked.

"Yup!" Kokichi said cheerfully.

Without warning Maki ran towards Shuichi. Kokichi laughed at the horror on the detectives face. Shuichi grabbed onto Maki's arm and threw her over his shoulder. Maki landed on her feet, crouching before she tried tripped Shuichi over. The detective jumped out the way before running to Kokichi.

"Don't think you're being left alone." Shuichi said before throwing Kokichi over his shoulder.

"Shumai!" Kokichi screamed as he held onto Shuichi's shirt for dear life. The smaller boy threw the remainder of himself over Shuichi's shoulder before jumping onto his back, knocking the navy haired boy over.

"Argh!" Shuichi yelled as he landed on the floor face first.

"Yay I win!" Kokichi yelled. Kokichi heard a noise from behind him and turned around to be faced with Maki.

"Did you forget about me?" Maki asked before taking a swing at Kokichi. The smaller boy ducked out of the way and ran behind the assassin. Kokichi jumped onto Maki's back and wrapped his scarf around her neck.

"Nishishi~" Kokichi giggled before Maki smirked. She put her hands behind her back before tickling Kokichi's sides, making him scream out laughing.

"Gotcha!" Maki said.

"Maki.. s-stop!" Kokichi said through giggles.

"Not until you fall off." Maki said smiling.

"N-Never!" Kokichi said, still giggling. Kokichi leaned forward and Maki felt herself falling.

"No!" Maki screamed before she fell face first on her face. Kokichi jumped up, free from Maki's tickling.

"Nishishi~ I win!" Kokichi said, jumping up and down like a child that was offered sugar.

"Well done Kokichi." Shuichi said, smiling.

"I hate you." Maki mumbled.

"Aw don't be like that!" Kokichi said as he bent down to look at Maki.

"I didn't think a gremlin could beat me." Maki mumbled.

"It's just as I always say: if you can't win, make a way!" Kokichi said happily.

"You said that with the claw machine." Shuichi pointed out.

"Uh huh." Kokichi said with a grin. Kokichi reached a hand out to Maki and Shuichi, which they both took, and stood up.

"Thanks Kokichi." They both said as they stood up.

"Maki, I have a question." Kokichi said.

"Mhm, what is it?" Maki said, looking at the smaller boy.

"Would you actually kill me? You've tried so many times, but would you have actually done it?" Kokichi asked.

"It's not a case of I couldn't, it was more of a case of I didn't want to. There was something about you, if I killed you then I'd lose somebody." Maki explained, looking at Shuichi.

"I knew Shuichi cared for you, he was the only one who really did, everyone else hated you. Overtime it became more obvious that you were important to him, and I didn't want to hurt Shuichi." Maki finished.

"Thanks for saving my life Shumai!" Kokichi said, hugging Shuichi.

"Y-you're welcome?" Shuichi said.

"And anyway, Monokuma said they'd be a class trial and someone would die. I didn't want to do that." Maki said.

"Aw, Maki's gone soft!" Kokichi said before hugging Maki.

"Do you want to die?" Maki said, before slowly hugging Kokichi back.

"I'm sorry for what you've been through, you deserve better." Kokichi whispered to Maki, making her eyes widen.

"How do you know that?" Maki whispered.

"I have my ways." Kokichi said with a smile before pulling back.

"Thank you Kokichi." Maki mumbled with a smile.

"You're welcome!" Kokichi said cheerily.


The trio spent the rest of the day in Maki's lab, testing out different guns and bows and having a laugh and a joke until they headed to the cafeteria for dinner.

"The trio's back!" Kaede said as they entered the room.

"Well duh, we wasn't going to stay missing were we?" Kokichi asked as he headed to his seat. When he got there he noticed a note on his seat. He picked it up and sat down before reading it.

Meet me in the hanger at 7pm. Come alone, I just want to chat.

Kokichi put the note in his pocket and started eating his dinner, ignoring the note for now.

"Shuichi has Monokuma given you another chair yet?" Keebo asked.

"Uh, no. I forgot to ask him actually. I've been so busy it slipped my mind." Shuichi responded.

"Too busy fucking Kokichi." Miu piped in.

"Didn't we already clarify that Kokichi's the top?" Kaede asked.

"They're both bottoms." Miu replied.

"At least we're not pig sluts." Kokichi said, smirking.

"P-Pig slut?" Miu stuttered.

"Kokichi don't get her started." Kaede said as Miu started drooling.

"Disgusting." Kokichi said, returning back to his food.

"Are you okay Kokichi? You seem awfully quiet." Kirumi asked.

"I'm fine, just tired from earlier." Kokichi lied. Truth be told, he was scared. He wanted to go to the hanger to see what Kaito wanted, but he had a feeling Kaito wanted to do more than just chat.

"Wanna head back to my dorm and have a nap?" Shuichi asked.

"Yes please." Kokichi said before they both got up and headed out of the cafeteria.

"Okay, what's really the matter?" Shuichi asked.

"Huh? I'm just tired, like I said." Kokichi said.

"I know when you're lying Kokichi." Shuichi pointed out.

"I'm just tired, there's nothing else. I promise." Kokichi said, smiling like he usually does.

"Okay then." Shuichi said. Shuichi knew that he was lying, but he decided not to push it. When the boys arrived at the dorms, they headed straight for Shuichi dorm and laid down on the bed.

"Shumai~" Kokichi said.

"Mhm, what's the matter?" Shuichi asked, wrapping his arms around Kokichi's waist.

"I want kisses." Kokichi said.

"Sure." Shuichi said with a smile before kissing his supreme leader boyfriend.

"Mhm." Kokichi said, smiling. When Shuichi pulled back, he saw that Kokichi had fallen asleep.

"You're so adorable, I don't know how much my heart can take." Shuichi whispered, smiling before he too fell asleep.

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