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"Kaito?" Shuichi asked. The detective was confused as to why Kaito was just standing there.

"Shuichi." Maki whispered. Shuichi looked at the girl, confused. Her voice was wavering, like she was about to cry.

"Maki what is it?" Shuichi asked. The assassin pointed to something to the right side of them. Shuichi looked to where she was pointing.

He felt his heart drop.

There was the hydraulic press

surrounded by blood

with part of a checkered scarf sticking out.

"No." Shuichi mumbled, tears in his eyes. Shuichi ran over to the machine, crouching down. He didn't care if he got blood on his clothes.

"Kokichi." Shuichi said before dissolving into tears. Everyone was silent, the only thing that could be heard was Shuichi's sobs. Maki walked over to the detective and crouched down next to him. Shuichi leaned into her, sobbing into her shirt. Kaito watched his, not looking at all sorry.

"What the fuck Kaito?" Miu yelled.

"Miu calm down-" Kaede started.

"No! I hated him as much as you did, but you didn't need to kill the little shit! He didn't deserve to die!" Miu yelled, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Gonta agree. Kokichi did not deserve to die." Gonta said, tears slipping down his face. Small sobs could be heard and Kaede turned around to see Kirumi crying.

"I loved him like the son I never had." Kirumi said, her sobs gradually getting worse.

"I thought Kokichi was the worst degenerate male, but you've stolen that title." Tenko yelled. Even she couldn't deny the fact that a tear slipped out of her eye.

"Nyeh, he was a meanie but he didn't deserve this." Himiko said, yawning.

"Kaito, what the fuck were you thinking? Killing Kokichi is only going to make everyone hate you. You think you're going to get Maki and Shuichi back now he's dead? Are you really that stupid?" Rantaro asked.

"Kaito say something!" Maki yelled.

"You said yourself that the world's better without him!" Kaito yelled at Maki.

"He didn't deserve to fucking die Kaito! You murdered him, he's gone. My boyfriend's fucking dead!" Shuichi yelled in pain. He grabbed his head and sobbed and screamed. The pain was unbearable.

"Puhuhu, this is quite the show." Monokuma said, walking into the room with popcorn in his arms.

"What do you want Monokuma?" Keebo asked, not wanting to deal with Monokuma's antics at that moment.

"Kokichi Ouma, murdered in cold blood. How does it feel Shuichi?" Monokuma asked, ignoring Keebo.

"Words can't explain how much this hurts, but it's a lot." Shuichi said, his teeth grit. Maki reached for Kokichi's scarf, gently pulling it out from under the press.

"I think you might want this." Maki said as she gave it to Shuichi. The sobbing boy grabbed it and hugged it to his chest.

"They'll be a class trial very soon, investigate while you can." Monokuma said before disappearing.

"Are ya gonna explain yourself?" Miu asked Kaito.

"Just say something! Anything!" Angie yelled.

"Fucks sake Kaito." Maki mumbled, her voice quiet from crying. The astronaut looked at his friends before leaving the hanger. People gradually left, leaving Maki and Shuichi in there on their own.

"I knew I shouldn't have let him go. He was in tears, saying that he was scared that one of us would die and that he'd lose me. I shouldn't have let him leave. It's all my fault." Shuichi whispered, tears still streaming down his face.

"It's not your fault Shuichi, don't blame yourself. You didn't know this would happen. It's Kaito's fault, not yours." Maki said, rubbing circles into Shuichi's back to calm him down.

"I should've pushed him to tell me. I dropped it when I knew something was wrong. I'm a shit boyfriend." Shuichi said, starting to sob again.

"No you're not, you're a great boyfriend Shuichi. You knew he didn't walk to talk about it so you didn't push it. That's what a good boyfriend does. You made him so happy Shuichi, he loved you so much." Maki said, crying herself.

"Puhuhu, times up! Everyone head to the class trial room!" Monokuma said through the speakers. Maki stood up, holding out her hand to the detective.

"Come on Shuichi. You can't stay here." Maki said gently.

"I love you Kokichi." Shuichi whispered to where Kokichi was laying before grabbing the assassin's hand, standing up and heading to the trial room.


"The class trial is now in session!" Monokuma announced. The room was greeted with silence.

"I killed Kokichi Ouma. He accidentally hit the button to the hydraulic press when I went to punch him and I took advantage of that. Not only did I punch him off the platform but I threw him under the press just as it was about to close." Kaito said suddenly, looking at the floor.

"Why?" Maki asked.

"He turned you guys against me." Kaito said, looking at Maki.

"No, you did that yourself." Maki responded, looking away from Kaito.

"Monokuma can we vote already? I don't want to be here." Shuichi asked Monokuma quietly, tears silently falling down his face.

"Sure we can kid! It's voting time!" Monokuma yelled. Everyone pressed Kaito Momota's icon on their screens. The results showed up and everyone voted for Kaito.

"I guess Kokichi won." Kaito said, making Shuichi's head jerk up.

"Huh?" Kaede asked in confusion.

"He said he'd make sure I didn't go to the moon." Kaito explained.

"You fucking killed him. He didn't win." Shuichi said, staring at Kaito.

"I gotta say one thing before I go. He didn't want to die. In fact, he was begging me not to hurt him." Kaito said, making Shuichi's tears flow down his face quicker.

"I know he didn't want to die. He was terrified of dying." Shuichi said quietly.

"His last words were screaming out for Shuichi." Kaito mumbled quietly. Shuichi heard and started sobbing harder.

"If he was begging you not to hurt him why did you do it?" Maki asked, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"Monokuma let's get this over with." Kaito said, ignoring Maki.

"With pleasure!" Monokuma said happily as he started Kaito Momota's execution.

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