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"How many times did you step on your foot?" Kokichi asked, giggling as Shuichi rubbed his foot.

"Too many times. I think like, six." Shuichi responded, laughing slightly.

"You've got to step up your game if you wanna beat me Shuichi, nobody can beat the Ultimate Supreme Leader of evil." Kokichi said, throwing his arms out as if he ruled the world.

"I was close. If you hadn't put it on expert I think I could've beaten you." Shuichi said, turning to the screen to study the scores. Kokichi watched the taller boy, he could practically see the cogs turning in his head as he did the maths.

"Well Mr. Detective, how's it looking?" Kokichi asked, rocking his feet back and forward while sitting on the bar.

"If you had put it on hard, I think we would have tied." Shuichi said, nodding to himself before turning to the smaller boy.

"Oh yeah?" Kokichi said with a grin, leaning closer to Shuichi. Shuichi could feel his face getting warmer, but for once he decided to ignore it.

"Definitely." Shuichi said, taking a step towards Kokichi. The boys were now very close to each other, Shuichi's face growing redder by the second. Kokichi caught Shuichi by surprise as he threw his arms around Shuichi's neck.

"Anything else you think you can beat me at Saihara-chan?" Kokichi asked, a smirk on his face.

"I- uh." Shuichi stuttered, trying to come up with something.

"Come on detective, there must be something you wanna be better than me at." The purple haired boy said before leaning in even furthur. Their faces were almost touching and they could feel each other's breath on their faces.

"Ready to play another game?" The machine boomed out of nowhere, making Kokichi scream and fall back in fright. Kokichi also pulled Shuichi down with him because of his arms being wrapped around his shoulders. The boys were laying on the floor, Shuichi pinning Kokichi to the floor as the smaller boy had his eyes shut, grimacing at the pain.

"Ah fuck me." Kokichi said in pain before he slowly opened his eyes. His eyes widened when he saw what had happened.

"Kokichi are you alright?" Shuichi lifted his head up to look at Kokichi.

"I- uh." Kokichi mumbled, his brain not working. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again. Shuichi was so close to his face, he could kiss him with little movement.

"No no no, leave them alone." A voice could be heard. Shuichi raised his head and looked towards the door to see Amami and Shinguji. Shuichi breathed out a sigh before sitting up.

"Ah, it seems we have been spotted Rantaro." Korekiyo stated. Rantaro looked over at Shuichi, his face slightly red. Shuichi got off Kokichi and held a hand out to the smaller boy.

"Uh, Kirumi asked us to find you and ask you if you wanted lunch." Rantaro said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm not hungry." Shuichi mumbled quietly.

"Nope, we're fine guacamole head. Now go back to screwing masky boy or something." Kokichi said, dismissing the two males with the move of his hand. They nodded before leaving the arcade and closing the door, leaving Kokichi and Shuichi alone again.

"Are you okay? You hit your head pretty hard." Shuichi said, his hand reaching up towards Kokichi's head.

"It's fine." Kokichi said, grabbing Shuichi's hand.

"A- Are you sure?" Shuichi asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Are you okay?" Kokichi asked, he seemed like he was genuinely worried about the taller male.

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