Chapter 2: Soft Red Hair

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Beginning Notes:

Hello again, Kuuhaku here!

I want to apologize first for a huge rookie mistake I made in the first chapter ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ I didn't really give a good direction as to how the story would follow. It was such a broad ending so I'm sorry!!! But I guess I had no choice because there was no way I could add the next part and let it flow well.

So here! The next chapter and extended to be 2x longer than Chpt. 1


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[Start of Chapter]


"Hey! Watch it! Don't throw it so far out like that you idiot!"

The blonde haired merman with a lightning bolt highlight in his hair flailed his arms out in frustration at the redhead swimming next to him. They were taking turns tossing seashells as far as they could to 'prove their manliness' according to the redhead. The blonde punched the redhead harshly on his muscular arm.

"Hahaha! Chill Kaminari, it's no big deal." The redhead laughs it off cheerfully.

"Yeah it is Kirishima! You threw it where all those human-sailor-people-things are!" Kaminari's eyes widen to make his point. "They'll kill us if they see us! Didn't your parents teach you that?!"

"Okay okay, I'll go get them all back myself then, you scaredy-cat. How unmanly of you." Kirishima throws Kaminari a sly grin before flicking his tail to swim over to where all the abandoned seashells were. Kaminari hesitates before following behind, not leaving the hair-for-brains idiot alone.

"Shut up Kirishima... I'd rather be a coward than be a stupid muscle head." Kirishima shoves the blonde playfully and they laugh as they swim at an impressive speed, picking up the seashells, slowly approaching the humans.

"Hey... Kirishima, I think we should head back now." Kaminari nervously calls out to Kirishima who is busily checking around the rocks and seaweeds.

"Yeah, after I find that bastard of a seashell." Kirishima responds casually and begins to mumble to himself. "Where did it go...? I was so sure it'd be around here-"


Suddenly, Kirishima feels a rough texture wrap around him, restricting his movement, and pulled harshly upwards. A fishnet. In realization, he frantically flails around but ends up tangling himself further.

"Kirishima!" Kaminari screams in horror and the redhead notices the tears gathering in the edges of Kaminari's eyes.

"IDIOT! SWIM BACK HOME! DON'T YOU DARE TURN AROUND!" Kirishima pointedly flicked his tail in the direction of Kaminari to send a weak ripple towards him. Kaminari gets the message and with tears streaming down his face blending into the ocean itself, he swims fast enough away to barely dodge the second fishnet aimed for him.

Kirishima fights back, trying to swim downwards away from the fishermen's boat. The fishnet tightens around his skin and scales painfully before he's ripped out of the water and landing harshly against the cold hard boat. Before he can do anything, he feels a sharp, thin slap across his body. The redhead screams out as a fisherman hits him again and again with a whip. The other fishermen are stomping and kicking at him mercilessly. Kirishima feels tears well up at the corners of his eyes from the pain he feels down to his strong bones. His vision is blurry and the faces of these humans look morphed and demented. Evil.

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