Chapter 21: You. Me. Us.

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Beginning Notes:

Hey all you lovely readers~ It's been MONTHS since I've seen you guys! The last chapter has finally arrived and it's very long again, nearly 14k words x.x As some of you may know from Tumblr, my laptop crashed on me and deleted so much of this chapter that I had to rewrite it... This combined with being the last chapter for this fanfic is literally a bittersweet moment for me lol it was so painful to edit, oh my god T^T I'm glad this is all over and as much as I'd like to keep going, this is where I want it to end. It has been a great year with you guys through this fanfic and I hope you will enjoy this last chapter along with being excited for the sequel with our cool, calm-collected Todoroki and his lover Midoriya!

Also, it would mean the absolute world to me if y'all could read my last end note! I'd like to give my sentiments to you all as well as some announcements!

Follow me @xkuuhakux on Tumblr and on Twitter | @xkuuhakux_ on Instagram


[Start of Chapter]


The sun rises and falls, replaced by the moon every night before the sun would once again peek out from the horizon and illuminate the sky with a bright light. Seasons change and luscious greens turn into bright reds and yellows before they darken and shrivel up from the cold winter. Leaves pluck off loosely from weak branches and flowers disintegrate into nothing, only to bloom beautifully again from its slumber and bring life back to earth once more when spring comes around. The cycle repeats itself and soon enough days turn into months then to years and before Bakugou knows it, he's graduated from college and makes a step towards advancing in his ambitious endeavors.

After many years of studying under distinguished chefs and achieving outstanding awards in numerous competitions, the blonde was able to quickly make a name for himself and create his own restaurant. It's been seven years since the day Bakugou's come to truly accept his feelings for Kirishima and that day marked a special meaning in his life to the point that he even dedicated his first restaurant to his lover.

Everything from the food served to the design of the building was created to represent the marvelous features of the ocean deep. The outside of the restaurant was tall and rectangular with large scales pressed onto the concrete walls, layering over each other and covering the entire restaurant's outer walls. The scales were a mosaic of colors with majority of the darker ones starting at the bottom of the building, a gradient that became lighter as it climbed higher up the walls. In the daylight, they shone brightly from their iridescent trademark quality and at night, it glimmered romantically in the moonlight. However, inside the restaurant was even more of a sight to behold.

Every entrance was shaped as an arched doorway with a texture like stone and a wooden door was attached to it. It was as though you were going through a stone opening like one of a mermaid's home. Colorful arrays of sculpted coral reefs and fishes decorated large pillars and stones that were placed around the entirety of the restaurant to enhance the underwater concept the restaurant held. The ceiling was high above the ground and had a wavy appearance and texture of sand. Hanging installations of clear, glass blown sculptures twisted into the shape of auger seashells hung from wires attached to the sandy ceiling and were absolutely stunning to look at while one would enjoy their meal down below it. Blue fluorescent lights installed in the ceiling brightened the otherwise dim restaurant and the light bounced off the glass beautifully. The same fluorescent lights were also placed along the edges of the many aquariums inside the building, making the waters glow majestically. The entire inner wall of the restaurant was an aquarium filled with many plants and a variety of fishes swimming merrily amongst each other as children and adults alike watch on the opposite side of the thick glass in amusement and awe at their fluidity and beauty in the water. Circular tanks were also imbedded into the pillars of the restaurant and were filled with vibrant plants and fishes, almost like a tower of water was protruding from the ground up.

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