Chapter 5: Alphas and Omegas

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Beginning Notes:

Hey, it's Kuuhaku. I hope you guys don't mind an informative chapter, but this is an extremely important chapter! I tried my best to make it an interactive chapter so please, enjoy~


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[Start of Chapter]


Bakugou still gets up early in the morning to do his usual run because as much as he feels down in the dumps about his situation, he's not that weak to render all normal activities. He only visits the bathroom to actually use it or check up on Kirishima, who just stays in the water and picks at his scales or takes a few short naps. The redhead isn't paying him as much attention as he did the previous day and there's another large amount of scales in the bathtub. Bakugou's beginning to stress about how he should approach Kirishima. He's not used to this. He doesn't know how to understand other people and empathize or whatever it is they need, the fuck.

Bzzt. Bzzt.

Bakugou slides his phone unlock and reads the text from Sero.

Sero: Hey man, boss says you can have today off. Please don't complain to me, it's his call not mine so just cool off 'kay? Hope to see you better tomorrow.

Bakugou clenches his phone tightly before releasing it with a long sigh. Clearly, he's not handling his situation well enough for the boss to let him go today. Bakugou does an exemplary job and never gets put off because of how valuable of an asset he is to Plus Ultra. He needs to figure out everything before he gets fired. The blonde briefly looks to his phone to check the time. 1:37 pm. His meeting with Yaoyorozu is at 2 pm since she has work at 5 pm and he wants to gather as much information as he can from her before then. Bakugou makes his way to his bedroom to dress up, making sure to wrap a scarf around his neck to cover up his hickeys. Fortunately, the weather lately is chilly to pass the scarf as normal.


The bells on the coffee shop's door ring pleasantly as Bakugou enters and walks to the front to order a hot black coffee. He's still drowsy from his lack of sleep last night, so the caffeine might help pull him through this meeting.

The air smells like coffee beans, hot milk, and sweet muffins. There aren't many customers at this hour and Bakugou's relieved there isn't a rowdy crowd. People are quietly listening to their music and typing away on their laptops while others are on dates, leaning into each other's space to giggle and talk about sweet things. Aside from the couples, Bakugou finds himself relaxing in this atmosphere. As soon as he takes his drink from the counter, Yaoyorozu enters the shop in a very casual yet sophisticated dress with a cardigan and high nude wedges. She's holding a thick binder, which he assumes is her class notes and a small duffel bag, probably for her work clothes. She smiles excitedly at him and he scowls in return. Yaoyorozu orders herself some sort of passion tea, but Bakugou's not really paying attention. He's more interested in that binder of her's.

"Good afternoon, Bakugou." She exclaims cheerfully and Bakugou tenses awkwardly.

"Whatever. Let's sit somewhere no one's around." He turns without waiting for her. She scrambles to grab her drink and follows him quickly. They find themselves in a corner of the coffee shop with no one remotely close enough to eavesdrop in their conversation.

"I brought my class notes on merpeople. What would you like to learn about?" They settle down comfortably on the plush seats. Yaoyorozu's eyes are bright and attentive. Either she really likes these mythological creatures or she's just really excited to teach someone something let alone the fact that it's Bakugou of all people.

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