Chapter 19: Gratitude And Thanks

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Beginning Notes:

Hey hey, it's Kuuhaku! This chapter's also very long like the last's so enjoy 2 chapters in 1!

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[Start of Chapter]


"Eijirou, for the last goddamn fucking time. I. Have. To. Go." Bakugou glares at the redhead who had his arms embraced tightly around the blonde's waist. His tail was wound one of Bakugou's legs and they were on the wooden floor right in front of the main entrance to his apartment. The blonde's back was flat on the ground with the redhead heavily on top of him, weighing the both of them down and not allowing any leeway for Bakugou to escape. It was around 7 am in the morning and Bakugou had just given the redhead something to eat for breakfast and he ate his own bowl of cereal beside Kirishima, but now it was time for him to head out for school. As much as he missed having the merman by his side, this morning was already a pain in the ass for him. His neck and back hurt from sleeping on the tiled floor of the bathroom and he woke up cold because of the absence of his warm mattress clothed in soft fabrics from his bed sheets along with the fact that the bathroom is naturally a colder area to be around. Bakugou hated the cold and it didn't help in the slightest to abruptly wake up to water touching his cheek from Kirishima placing his hand over his face. The cold touch sent chills throughout his body and he was a shivering mess until he rushed to the heater and raised the temperature in his apartment, smashing his finger violently on the up arrow.

Kirishima digs his forehead painfully into Bakugou's sternum, tightening his grip around his chest and bringing the blonde back to the present from the flashback that just ran through his mind. His whines were loud but muffled against the fabric of Bakugou's shirt and he tries to rip the merman free from his body, kicking out and pushing against Kirishima's muscular shoulders but the redhead was determined not to let go. As soon as they had finished their breakfast, Kirishima followed the blonde to the front entrance and curiously watched Bakugou putting on his shoes and tying them until he realized what was happening and his face dropped dramatically. He suddenly grabbed the blonde's ankle and tugged forcefully, dragging him away from the door and making the man a mess of flailing limbs. Bakugou shouted out in a mixture of surprise and irritation, trying to grab at the walls to stop the redhead from pulling him away from the door and he kicked at him with his free leg but Kirishima wouldn't release his hold. Instead, the merman climbed up the blonde's body and held his waist for dear life, not wanting Bakugou to leave after they had just reunited a few hours ago. They wrestle against each other and shoes were strewn haphazardly across the short hallway of the entrance with Bakugou yelling at the top of his lungs for Kirishima to just stop already but the merman whines and whines with abandon. The sharp cries and husky breaks of his whining were getting irritating to hear for Bakugou and he slaps his hands on either side of Kirishima's face and tilts the man's head up to stare a menacing glare into the merman's large eyes.

"I have to go to class and I'm not about to risk getting an absence because of your bitch ass!" Bakugou screams loudly into Kirishima's face to indicate to him for the hundredth time to let go, but the redhead still doesn't listen. Instead, he shakes his head free from the man's grip and chirps and whines into the blonde's chest once more. His cries were beginning to become considerably loud and it not only hurt Bakugou's ears so early in the day, but it was also a concern to his neighbors and he didn't want anyone pounding against his door to also in turn be loud and scream in his face. Granted, he was loud himself too from shouting at the redhead but none of this would happen if Kirishima would just stop being so damn clingy.

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