Chapter 12: Listen To Me

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Beginning Notes:

Hope you guys had a great weekend, Kuuhaku here!

I tried to make this chapter entertaining and especially better than the previous POV of Kirishima 'cause that was a god awful chapter, so please! Enjoy~


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[Start of Chapter]


The apartment is eerily quiet and it's unsettling to the redhead sitting in a bath full of water, all alone. Kirishima moans out for the millionth time that day, calling for the blonde but he doesn't come. Of course he wouldn't come. Kirishima can tell no other presence in the apartment is there aside from himself.

Bakugou... Where did you go again? An empty feeling in his chest aches painfully from the lack of resolution with the blonde. He feels horrible and every awful feeling you could possibly feel in the world. I'm sorry, Bakugou. I'm so sorry...!

His heart sinks low and the memories of his despicable advances on Bakugou eat away at his brain as it keeps flashing in his mind over and over again. His tears, his pain, his screams. All. All of it remains clear and vivid in his mind. Kirishima could barely hear it over his sexual urges imbedded in his genes of being an alpha and he could remember how his mind clouded with a voice growling possessively, "Mine. All mine. I'll make you my mate. You're mine, Bakugou."

Kirishima grits his teeth in irritation and he's so incredibly angry with himself for letting the alpha side of him take over his self-control and hurt the one man he wants to keep safe. Of course it was a product that lubricated his asshole, just like how Bakugou had a bottle in the shower that made him smell good. I should have known! It's so fucking obvious! You figured that out earlier, you fucking dumbass! He's human! Damn it, Damn it, DAMN IT!

Kirishima thrashes violently and tosses water over the walls and tiled floors of the bathroom, hissing and growling in frustration at himself. Shame. Guilt. Pain. Anguish. Heartache. Emotions overcome the redhead easily and his heart beats faster in panic and rage.

"AAGHHHHH!" FUCK! He shouts out a guttural roar true to his feelings deep down in his heart. Why... Why did I do that...? Kirishima crumbles and submerges into the water with tears flowing out of his sadden eyes and it disperses into the water.

Shit...! Kirishima sobs and allows his tears to freely come out without resistance. This wasn't supposed to happen. None of it.


"I won't be aggressive or mean to my mate! Never!" Kirishima laughs and points to the blonde merman with a smug look. "I'd love 'em to death. No rape, no abuse. Just gentleness and tenderness."

Kaminari laughs wholeheartedly and shakes his head, "That's what you're supposed to do, idiot. One partner for life, remember?"

"I can't wait~ I wonder who mine would be like." Kirishima singsongs and laughs brightly before Kaminari punches his upper arm with a large grin.

"I bet I'll find myself a lover before you."

"Hell no, I'm better looking."

"The fuck? I'm sexier than you!"

"CORRECTION. I'm sexy, you're just a pretty boy." Kirishima crosses his arms and lifts his nose up in triumph. Kaminari scoffs and gives him a funny look.

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