Chapter 9: Hopeless. Vulnerable. Unfair.

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Beginning Notes:

Welcome to the dark side, it's Kuuhaku!
Holy shit, this was the hardest chapter to write so far. I was trying too hard in cramming a lot of things in this chapter so I decidedly separated it into it's own chapter, extending this story to 17 chapters now. I apologize in the later-than-usual update, but I believe in quality over quantity most of the time, so please enjoy~

I've warned you about the sex bombs so I hope you prepared your heart.


Follow me @xkuuhakux on Tumblr and on Twitter | @xkuuhakux_ on Instagram


[Start of Chapter]


"A-ahh! Hah... Hah, r-right there...! Yeah... Feels good... Mmm-"

Bakugou slams the spacebar on his laptop to pause the pornographic video displayed on the screen. He closes it shut and pushes it away from himself on his bed before flopping down on his plush blankets to look up to the ceiling. Fuck.

After his morning run, he reluctantly began doing research on the sex toys that are now strewn messily across his bed. Bakugou sits back up with a groan and begins inspecting the different boxes and packages in front of him. He pushes them apart and organizes them into the similar categories they belong to. Why the fuck did Yaoyorozu get so many?

He blushes when he picks up the largest dildo and hurriedly throws it back into the shopping bag. Too big... Bakugou continues to throw items he's not ready for into the bag, but makes certain to keep out the ones he's going to try today.

The packages crinkle and rip loudly in his quiet room as he opens up a dildo, a vibrating buttplug, condoms, and lube. He blushes red before he slaps a hand over his eyes and lets out a strained sigh.

Fucking hell... Bakugou internally screams and roughly scrambles his hands in his ash blonde hair to prepare his heart. I'm going to do this. I'm for sure going to fucking try this. Don't bitch out now!

He takes a deep breath in and strips himself of his shirt to toss it over the items before stepping out of his room. Bakugou shuts his bedroom door closed before entering the bathroom to meet the merman for the second time today. Kirishima sits up quickly in the bathtub and outstretches his arms excitedly. The blonde regards him nonchalantly and looks down to notice his breakfast plate on the ground before Kirishima exclaims his name.

"Bakugou~!" Kirishima shakes his awaiting arms and pouts when the blonde continued to keep his attention on the empty dish. This morning, he added vegetables of the ocean, such as kombu and wakame, in addition to some fish slices as breakfast for the redhead. He ate his plate clean so the change to his food menu is working quite well.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." Bakugou huffs before bending down on one knee to allow Kirishima to wrap his arms around his neck into a tight hug. He returns the hug slightly before patting him on his back to grab his attention.

"Kirishima." The redhead lingers in the hug before pulling back to curiously peer at the blonde's face. Bakugou moves to hook an arm under his tail and pulls him out of the bathtub with his trained arms. Kirishima looks at him with confusion written all over his face. Bakugou ignores it and places him down gingerly onto the tiled floor. "I need to shower but I don't want you around, so I'm kicking you out for a bit."

Bakugou speaks as he grabs a towel to quickly pat Kirishima's wet body to a somewhat dry state and picks him up again, bridal style. The redhead tightens his hold on Bakugou and looks around frantically, unsure of what's going on. The blonde gives Kirishima a quick peck on his temple in reassurance of safety before walking out into the living room. He sets the merman down onto the wooden floor but Kirishima continues to grip his neck, darting his sharp eyes around to take in the new surrounding. Bakugou tries to move his arms away, but the redhead whips his head towards him with wide eyes like a deer in headlights. He whimpers loudly and tries to get around Bakugou to return to the safety of his bathtub, but the blonde holds him steady.

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