Chapter 6: Rush

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I watch as Amara's eyes shut, "Amara!" I yell. I can't reach her because of the airbag, but I try my best to wake her up.

I unbuckle my seat belt, carefully pulling myself out of my trashed car. A man stumbles out of the other car, rushing over to me. "I didn't see the red light." He says, placing his hands behind his head. Witnesses start to pile around us, some on the phones with 911.

I go over to Amara's side, reaching my hand into the busted window, checking her pulse. Thankfully I can still feel her breathing.

"There's a girl in the car, unconscious I think." I hear a woman say to the phone. My heart is still racing as I try to hold on to Amara.

Her face is cut up and she has a bruise forming on her cheek.

I begin hearing sirens as the EMTs and police arrive.

I stand up and rush to the EMT, "Her name is Amara, the man hit us on her side." I tell him as we both rush over to my car.

"Get the stretcher!" He yells to the other EMT.

He lodges her door open, cutting off her seat belt. The other EMT arrives, they both place her carefully on the stretcher. "Does she have any form of I.D on her?" He asks me. I reach into the car and pull her bookbag out, searching for her wallet. Thankfully I find it and hand it to them, showing her license.

"And do you know any emergency contact we can get ahold of?" He says as the out her into the ambulance. "N-No sir." I stutter, watching her carefully.

They close the doors. "The other ambulance can check everything out with you after you talk to the police." I nod my head.

They get into the ambulance and I watch as they leave. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn, seeing an officer.

He begins asking the questions.

"She was throwing up at school so I offered to drive her home, we were stopping to get her some sprite and when the light turned green she yelled my name. The other car was hitting us before I could move." I stare at my hands and I sit on the back of the other ambulance. I look over and see the man who hit us also getting questioned.

"And how fast would you say you were going?" He asks me.

I shrugged, "Maybe only 15, I just let off from the red light." He nods as he continues to write down the details.

I see my moms car pull up, soon she's running towards me. "What- What happened?!" She screams as she reaches me and the officer. She puts her hands on my face, making sure I was okay. "He ran a red light and hit us." I tell her, putting her hands down. "Us? Who else was with you? Why aren't you at school?"

"Ma'am, everything's going to be alright." The police officer tries to calm her.

"A girl from school was throwing up and I was taking her home, I just wanted to help her." I tell her. She huffs and crosses her arms. "Thank you for being kind to her, but you're in a lot of trouble." I roll my eyes at her.

The cop speaks to my mom for a moment, then we're okay to head to the hospital.


"Alright, Mr. Brock." The doctor walks in with my clipboard. "You don't have any major injuries. You may be sore for a couple days so I'm going to prescribe you some pain medicine, but other than that you're good to go." I shake his hand and my mom and I head to the desk to check out.

"Hey, can I go check on Amara?" I ask my mom. She turns to me confused, "Who even is this girl?"

I sigh and look down. I don't talk about feelings to my mom. I especially don't y'all about girls to her.

"She's just one of my friends at school."

"Mhm." She shrugs with an eyebrow lifted. "Go ahead."

I ask the desk lady what room she's in then I head up to it.

I knock on the door quietly. "Come in." I hear her say. I open the door and walk in. She's awake which is good.

She has bruises and cuts all over her, along with a wrap on her arm. Her face is also red and puffy, from crying I assume.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask and sit next to her.

She look at me for a moment before speaking. "I-I'm pregnant."

My heart stops as I stare at her. She can't be. There's no way. I can't be a dad, I'm not even sure if I wanted kids in the future.

"Colby?" She says quietly.

"It's not mine." I rush out. I know it's mine, she's not that type of girl.

She rolls her eyes and wipes a tear from her bruised cheek. "Don't be ridiculous." She sniffs.

"I have to go." I stutter but leave her bedside, walking out the room in a hurry.

I can't have a baby.

The Bad Boy's Baby • Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now