Chapter 19: Daddy Issues

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I walk into my house, locking the door behind me. It's one in the morning and my mom is probably already asleep. I didn't want her knowing I was gone. She'll have questions that I don't have answers for.

I sigh as I put my keys on the tray, taking my shoes off.

I just needed to blow some steam. Ivy's parents weren't home so it was the perfect opportunity for me. I've been so stressed lately because of Amara and everything, that I haven't been able to "please" myself the slightest. A quick fuck is always nice.

I turn around and am immediately met with my moms angry face. "Where have you been?" She barks.

My eyes widen as I try to think of an excuse. "I went for a run." I blurted out.

She rolls her eyes, crossing her arms. "Why do you have jeans on?"

I bite the inside of my cheek, not having an answer for her.

"Sit down." She nods her head to the couch. I drag my feet as I walk over to it.

I sit down, but she doesn't. She stays hovering over me as I just look at her. She doesn't speak at first, maintaining eye contact with me.

"Were you not going to tell me?" She says angrily.

"I'm sorry I just went to Sams for a couple hours, it's no big deal." My voice becomes higher as I lie.

She closes her eyes and looks down, taking a deep breath. "I'm talking about your 'son.'" She puts quotation marks over the word son.

My breathing becomes heavier as my heart races. I didn't want her to know until it was necessary. This wasn't how I wanted her to find out.

"Uh-" I stutter, trying to think of something to say.

"I had a friend of mine show me your post, that girl you got into the wreck with? She's pregnant?" She sits on the ottoman in front of me.

I sigh and lean back on the couch, putting my heads above my head.

I shrug my arms and look back to her, "I was going to tell you."

"But you didn't. You didn't tell me." She furrows her eyebrows. "How many times have I told you to use protection? How many times have I told you to be careful, Colby? You know this will ruin your life, right? Was she just another one of your little whores? She ruined your life." She gets up and starts pacing around the room. I clench my teeth in anger.

My mom is everything to me. She's tried her hardest to raise me by herself, and I go back and do this. She doesn't deserve it.

"Mom, it's not going to ruin me-"

"Colby! You are 17 years old. You have some stupid job making meaningless videos, you knocked up some random girl up I've never even met and now you have to pay for it." She yells. "Actually, you're not going to. Im not going to allow you to see this bitch. You can forget about it. It's probably not even yours!" I keep my hands together as I try to stay calm. I don't want to argue with her.

"Mom, just listen to me." I sigh.

She scuffs and rolls her eyes, "I want a paternity test. I don't want my son to be trapped with some random slut."

"Mom!" I yell, getting her attention, "Amara isn't a slut, and she's not just some random girl! My son is my son and I'm not going to give up on them the way dad gave up on us!" I yell standing up from the couch. Her face hardens, "Your dad gave up on you! Not on me. He didn't want you! He didn't love you, Colby! Get over it."

I roll my eyes and push past her, going up the stairs and into my room. I slam my door and throw my phone on my bed. I place my hands on the back of my head as I pace, trying not to cry.

The only weakness I have, my dad. He left when I was 10. I still remember him and how he treated us. He would spit on us, yell and cuss. He would hit my mom and sometimes even slap me. He's my worse nightmare. He's everything I'm afraid of being.

My mom knows how I feel when I think about him. She knows that it scares me and makes me feel helpless. I watched countless of times her being beat, not able to do one single thing to help her. I had no way of protecting her when she needed it.

And for her to blame everything on me, just makes me feel worse. I know none of it is my fault, but I'm scared to face the facts that I am his son. I'm an abusers son, what does that say about me? I can't even imagine hitting anyone, especially my child. But did he think the same thing? Was he once an amazing man, then he just turned into a monster? Maybe it is my fault. Maybe I am the reason he beat us. Maybe I'm the reason he left.

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