Chapter 12: Oh Boy

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Madeline and I walk into my OBGYN. My 10 week checkup went by quickly as it was just for blood work. It's my 14 week appointment now, I'm hoping I can find out the gender in my next one. It doesn't even seem like it's been a two months since I found out.

"Appointment for Khoury." I tell the receptionist. She types in her computer for a second, "They'll be right out to get you." I nod my head and sit down. Madeline follows.

"Will you be getting an ultrasound?" Madeline asks. "I think so, but don't quote me on that." I laugh.

We wait for a few minutes before I'm finally called back. The nurse takes us back to a small room and we go in, I sit on the table while Madeline sits in the chair.

"I made a new friend today." I tell her and smile. "Really?" She asks confused. I frown from the surprised expression on her face, "Am I really that much of a loser?" She smiles and shakes her head no, "You're not a loser, Amara. You just stay to yourself. You're an introvert."

"Anyways, his name is John, he's new. He was my partner in English today when we had to peer review." I kick my feet as the swing over the side of the bed.

"Is he cute?" Madeline wiggles her eyebrows.

"Look where we are, Maddie, do you really think I'm thinking about a boyfriend?" I sigh.

"You can still think he's cute."

"Fine, he's cute. He's like nerdy cute." I blush a little. He was very attractive.

"He must of really liked your paper." She laughed.

"Actually, he did." I raise my eyebrows, "We talked the whole class period about romanticism. Finally someone who understands my love for literature." I pick at Madeline with my last sentence.

"Hey, I think literature is cool." She whines, "So you guys just casually talked about love? No flirting or anything?"

"Yeah, he was genuinely interested." I smile.

We hear a small knock on the door before the doctor walks in. "Hello, Ms. Khoury." I shake her hand and introduce myself. "Nice to see you again. This is my best friend Madeline." Madeline shakes her hand.

"Well we're just going to do a quick ultrasound and check your vitals, just to make sure everything is progressing nicely." She starts putting the blood pressure band on my arm. She quickly finishes. I lay back on the table and she brings out the ultrasound machine. "I'm going to be checking the heart rate of the baby, and we should be able to hear it too. Would you like to?" I smile and nod my head. Madeline stands up and comes closer to be.

"Okay, pull your shirt up and roll your pants down for me." I do as told and she apples the gel to my lower abdomen. She turns on the machine and starts moving it around my stomach. I watch in amazement as my baby is shown.

"Woah. That's an actual human." Madeline laughs. I look at her and laugh.

"Yes it is. This is the arms, legs, head and body." Dr. Smith points to the different parts of the body. "And here is the heartbeat." She flips a switch and we starts hearing the beat. Tears welp up in my eyes as I listen.

Madelines eyes become watery also and she leans down and hugs me.

"BPM is 128, very healthy." She smiles. She moves more, now showing the legs of the baby. "Oh looky here." She laughs. I watch the screen in confusion. "Would you like to know the gender?" She looks at me and raises her eyebrows. I look at her in shock. "This early?" I laugh. "Well I can definitely tell what the baby is, do you want to know?" She laughs. I look at Madeline, who's smiling like crazy. "Uh, yeah." I laugh.

She moves for another moment, getting more in between the baby's legs. "It's a baby boy. Congratulations." She takes the tool away from my stomach as I stare at the screen.

"It's a boy?" I ask smiling. She nods her head, "It's going to be a handful but I love my boys." She laughs.

My heart beats faster in my chest with excitement. "I'll get your pictures ready and then you'll be good to go." I wipe the gel off my stomach and lean back up.

She leaves the room. I look at Madeline and immediately start crying. I'm so happy but so disappointed that he wasn't here to find out with me.

"Amara, sh." She hugs me. "Look this is a happy time. Be happy." She laughs. I smile and hug her back. "I just can't help but be sad that he's not here. I'm having a boy, Mads. He's going to grow up without a father." She frowns and hugs me again. "It'll be okay, the good thing is that he'll have a strong independent mother to raise him." I nod my head again.

I pull away from her as the doctor walks back in. "Alright, here is the sonograms. You can make your next appointment at the counter." I thank her and we say goodbye.

I quickly finish with my appointment and Madeline and I leave.

"I'm so happy for you." Maddie says as we get into the car.

"I have to start thinking about names now." I laugh.

"Are you going to tell him?"

I freeze for a moment trying to decide. Does Colby even have the right to know that he's having a son? He doesn't want to be in his life why should he know the gender? But, it's his son. Until the day that he signs away his rights, it's only fair that I tell him.

"Im sure I will. I don't know when though. I'm not ready to talk to him yet." I start backing my car up.

"I'll be right there when you are ready." She puts her hand on mine.

The Bad Boy's Baby • Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now