Chapter 22: Replacement

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"Maybe you should come over. My parents aren't going to be home until later," Ivys hand travels up arm as she bites her lip. I can feel myself grow.

"Oh really?" I mumble, bringing my face closer to hers. She smiles and her hand touches my groin, making my breathe out. A throat clears and out attention breaks form each other. I look over and see Sam looking at us, with his arms crossed. "What?" I roll my eyes.

"We need to talk." He says harshly. He just wants to argue with me about Amara.

"I'll see you later." Ivy whispers. She walks away, swaying her hips slightly.

"Get in." I say. I get in my car, unlocking the door for Sam. He gets in, slamming the door behind him.

"You're a shitty person. She hasn't been to school in a week, Colby. Do you even know what you've done? How you've made her feel?" He looks me in the eyes but I look away, putting my hand to my chin.

"I already told you Sam, I don't want to be a dad. I don't know why you keep pressuring me." I throw my arms up and sigh.

"Because, there's a girl who trusted you that's 5 months pregnant and alone. She's carrying your son Colby, the one you help name. Cain needs you."

I feel my eyes become watery, but I shake them away. I understand what I've done, but I can't risk hurting them.

"Sam," I sigh, "you don't understand." I tell him.

"I understand you're scared, I understand you're confused on what you should do. But, I'm just saying, you need to step up." Sam leaves it there, getting out my car.

I sigh as he shuts the door, rubbing my hands on my face. I start my car and begin my drive home, blasting my music to drain on my thoughts.

As I pull in I see my mom is already home. I groan and roll my eyes. I didn't want to deal with her again.

I get out, locking my car then going into the house. She's standing by the door, as if she was waiting to bombard me.

"Colby?" She says. I ignore her and go straight to the stairs.

"Colby." She says sternly. I roll my eyes and face her, half way up the stairs.

"Did you tell her you wanted a test?" She asks. I take a deep breath and look away from her. "No, I didn't. You don't have to worry though, I'm not going to be in the baby's life."

"Good. I'm sure she can find another boy to trick." She says, holding her attitude.

"Why are you so against her? What did she do to you, mom? Are you jealous, are you mad, I mean what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yell. I clench my jaw, regretting my words.

She looks at me blankly with wide eyes. "Excuse me?" She whispers.

I roll my eyes, "What's your issue? I got her pregnant, I'm going to have a kid. I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment, I'm sorry dad left because of me, but just stop. I'm tired of it."

"Get out of my house." She says through her teeth.

I roll my eyes, but don't move. "I said get out. Now! Pack your shit and leave. I don't want a disrespectful bitch in my house." She yells.

My face drops and I soften. I nod my head, pressing my lips together. "Fine. But don't ask me where I am. Don't try to call, or text. Don't worry about me." I go to my room, grabbing my suitcase out my closet. I'll come back tomorrow when she's gone to get more things. Until then, I'll figure something out.

I pack as much as I can, only leaving unnecessary clothes. I also make sure I grab my electronics and essentials.

I zip my suitcase and grab my couple overnight bags. I hurriedly leave, avoiding my mom.

I put everything in my car and slam my door as I get in. I feel overwhelmed with sadness and anger as I stare at the front door. My life is going downhill by the second and I have no plan. I have no plan to be successful. Like she said, I just have a silly social media job. Will that be enough?

My phone vibrates and I look at it, seeing Sam's name.

Come over and shoot a video? Found a cool ass abandoned building about thirty minutes away.

I sigh and hit the call button.

"What's up?" He answers.

"Hey, I'll be there in five. What's the plan?"

"We'll figure it out."

"Alright, bye."



After filming out video we headed back to Sams house. I didn't want to go home, I don't know if I can go home. Sam is always there to help me when I need it. That's why he's my best friend. He always makes sure I'm straight, I do the same for him.

"Do you want to talk about it now?" He asks, keeping his focus on the road.

"Talk about what?" I say, looking out the window. I know what he wants to talk about, but I don't want to.

"The baby, Colby." He says giving me a look.

"No." I shrug. My eyebrows furrow and I look down, opening my phone.


"Because I'm tired of talking. I'm tired of talking about Amara, the baby and what I'm going to do or not do. She told me herself she didn't care if I was there a not. Why don't you just leave me alone about it?"

He sighs at my response, taking a sharp turn onto a familiar road.

"No, Sam." I groan.

"Yes." He says. He turns into her driveway, parking the car right in front of her door.

"I'm not getting out." I tell him.

"Yes you are." He says.

"No, I'm not. So you might as well just leave." I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"She needs you." He says, turning off his car.

"No she doesn't. She doesn't need me." I whisper. I look up to her window. Her curtains are pulled away, I can see her tv playing a cartoon. I then see her door open, John walking in with a cup and chips. I can see him sit on her bed, but she's out of my view. I can see his arm reaching over. My heart beats a little faster when I realize why he's there.

"Let's go, Sam." I sigh.

The Bad Boy's Baby • Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now