Chapter 7: Six Weeks

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-Amara- 2 hours earlier.

I wake up and see the ambulance walls around me, as well as an EMT looking over me.

"Amara, Amara. We're getting you to the hospital, don't worry. Mom and Dad is there waiting. You're going to be just fine."

I nod my head and clench my eyes as the pain meets me again. It all happened so fast.

"Is Colby okay?" I whisper.

"Yes ma'am, everyone's okay." He says placing a hand on my fore head.

We arrive at the hospital and they wheel me into the ER, going straight back into a room. I watch quietly as they hook me up to machines and begin their work.

I see my mom and dad outside my door, rushing to me. "Oh, baby." Mom cries as she holds me. My dad grabs my hand and kisses it. "I'm okay." I whisper trying to comfort them.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She kisses me head. I smile and wrap my okay arm around her.

"We're going to run some tests and do a couple xrays and make sure she has no broken bones or anything internal. The driver was going 50 miles per hour, so she took a pretty bad hit." The doctor explains the process to my parents and I.

"How long until we find out?" My dad asks. "Well, we have to get her registered and get her into her testing but it shouldn't be too long." He says goodbye and leaves the room.

"Where were you even going? And they said you were with some boy?" My mom asks.

"I threw up in study period, I know him and he offered me a ride home so I wouldn't be sick driving. His name is Colby."

"And you know him from school?" My dad asks. I nod my head. They don't need to know the whole truth.

They look at each other, almost as if they were telepathically trying to decide if I was being honest. I look away from them and down at my wrist. They put a temporary cast on it because they're pretty sure it's broken. I grimace when I notice the pain again, hopefully the medicine they gave me will start kicking in.

A nurse walks in greeting us, "Hello, I'm Nurse Smith. I'm here to take you back to your x ray." She gets my table and unhooks it. My parents say goodbye to me and she starts rolling me back. We pass a couple rooms before she stops in front of the door that said "X-RAY." 

They get me set up. I place my arm in the x ray and position me.

"Okay just stay still, it won't take too long." I nod my head in response to the nurse. After taking the pictures they take me back to my room, where my parents were still waiting.

They put me back in position. "Do you know what happened to the person that hit us?" I ask them. "Well, all I know is that he ran a red light when you and your friend was passing under the green light." My dad says. I nod my head.

There's a knock on the door, then the doctor walks in. "Alright, so looks like you'll need surgery because of your broken wrist. We're going to draw some blood and then we'll get your prepped for surgery. Thankfully, there's a spot today that we can squeeze you in. It'll be a simple surgery and you'll be up and back to yourself within a week. I'll have a nurse in here in just a few minutes and she'll get a blood sample."

I sigh and put my head back, looking towards the ceiling.

Colby is just all around bad luck. Don't get me wrong, he was sweet to take me home but it was probably just a reason for him to leave school. I doubt he really cares too much.

About thirty minutes later a nurse comes in and draws my blood quickly. She took a small sample from my left arm, it didn't hurt too bad. My mom and dad occupy themselves with their phones as I sit quietly. I'm not even sure where my phone is. Probably with Colby.

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