Chapter 18: Lovers Lane

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Love is scary when you think about it. You meet someone and your life changes for the better, or worse. You fall hard and before you know it you're looking forward to seeing this one person every morning. Or maybe you go years without knowing that they're the one for you.

But love can ruin you. It can make you change. You change your personality and your mentality. Everything you think of, every decision you make, will be based on this one person. You start becoming a stranger to yourself.

"Amara, hello?" John snaps in front of my face, trying to catch my attention.

Were sitting on a picnic table beside our cars, waiting for Maddie to come out of the school.

"Oh sorry," I blush and laugh.

"What're you thinking about?" He laughs and drinks his water.

"Nothing important." I shrug.

But of course, I lied. Love scares me, and nobody can know that. Especially John, someone who has made me feel butterflies since day one.

I don't know if it's the hormones, or if it's because he's the only boy I've been close to, but I feel something. I feel happy around him and he makes me laugh and forget the worries. He's extremely sweet, smart and amazingly attractive. He's quirky and geeky but I enjoy it.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner Friday." He says as he watches my face.

"L-Like a date?" I stutter while holding back a smile.

"I mean, I guess." His face turns red as he smiles down as it phone.

"Um," I giggle and blush, "I mean I understand if you don't want to, I was just cu-" "No, id love to."

Why did I say yes? Why am I allowing myself to feel this? I have a baby on the way, with another boy. John doesn't need this in his life. And what if I'm right about love being scary? Will he be a blessing, or will he be a curse in my life?


"Are you sure about it, Amara? Have you even talked to Colby about this?" My mom walks around the kitchen, cleaning while I sit, waiting for John.

"It has nothing to do with Colby. This is my life, not his." I roll my eyes.

"It's your child's life, too. Colby's child's life." She sighs.

"It's one date, it can't hurt anything. I don't know what John wants this to be, I don't even know what I want it to be."

"Well if it turns into a relationship you need to seriously think about what it means for you, John and Colby. They're both sweet boys and they don't need to worry about baby drama."

My eyes brows furrow in anger, "I don't need to worry about it either, but guess what? I am. And I did it all by myself until recently. If Colby is uncomfortable with John and I dating, he needs to deal with it." My phone buzzes, a see a text from John saying he was here. "He's here. Love you." I leave the kitchen and walk out the door, where John is walking.

"I was going to come in to say hi." He laughs.

"It's alright, it's only my mom here anyways." I smile at him and walk to his car. He follows after, opening the door for me, waving to the car. I giggle and get in.

He gets in himself, cranking his car up.

"So where are we going?" I ask him as I plug my phone into his aux.

"Guess?" He smiles, looking behind the car as he backs up.

My eyes widen with excitement, "Olive Garden?" I ask.

He laughs, putting the car in drive them looking at me. "Your wish is my command."


"You look really nice by the way." He says as we walk to our table.

"Really?" I scrunch my nose, "I tried to find something that covered the bump but I couldn't."

He shakes his head, "You don't need to. You're having a baby, it's a beautiful thing and you shouldn't hide it." He picks up his menu and starts searching as I smile at him. How can someone know exactly what to say? He must read a lot of romance.

I pick up my menu and also start to search on the page. I'm most likely getting chicken Alfredo, my favorite.

"What can I get started for you guys?" The waitress asks as she comes to our table. I watch as her eyes glance down to my stomach. Her mouth opens a bit but she closes it. I look away from her in embarrassment

"I'll get a coke." John clears his voice. I smile at her, "I'll take a sweet tea."

I know she didn't mean anything, she's probably just shocked. I'm a pregnant teenager, who wouldn't be shocked?

"Alright, I'll be right back with your drinks." She leaves us at the table, John immediately grabs my hand. "Don't worry about it." He smiles. "I know, I'm not." I smile back.


" I had a great time." I smile as John parks in my driveway.

"Me too. Your a lot of fun, Mara." He smiles as his face becomes redder.

"Well thank you, you are too." I laugh and unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Hey, wait." He says as my hand reaches to the door. I pause and look at him.

"I just want you to know that I really enjoy spending time with you. And I don't know if this is too soon, or not the right time at all," he pauses and points to my belly, "but I really like you." My cheeks heat up as I listen to him.

I smiles and place my hand on his cheek, slowly bringing his into a kiss. Our lips touch for just a moment, but it felt like years. I can feel him smile into it. His hand grabs mine as our lips stay connected.

I pull away from it, both of us now smiling. "I like you too." I giggle.

"I sure hope so after that." He laughs, pulling me into another kiss.

We break again, I just know we're both blushing like crazy.

"I should go now." I whisper. He nods his head and smiles, kissing me on the cheek. "I'll text you." He says as I get out the car. I wave back to him while walking to my door. I smile at his car as he drives away, reflecting on what just happened.

I just added a whole lot more crazy into my life, but I'm okay with it.

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