Chapter 46: Grown

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I lean down and fix Eden's shoe. He's learning how to tie them, but they're taking a little longer than expecting. He's 6, he should know by now.

"Mommy, I can do it!" He tells at me in frustration. I laugh and shake my head no, finishing the tie.

"Mom, can I go to Olivia's after school?" Lilith asks me as she grabs her backpack off the kitchen table.

"Sure, I'll get Cain to pick you up when you're ready." I shrug.

Cain comes into the room, grabbing a banana from the counter. "You're picking Lilith up form her friends later, okay?" I ask him. He rolls his eyes and nods.

He's so much like his dad, it scares me. From the way he dresses to the music he listens to. It makes me wonder if he's even my son. I feel a kiss on my head and turn around, Colby is now holding me. I smile and kiss him.

"Y'all ready?" Cain asks Lilith and Eden. They both nod.

They both kiss me and Colby bye and head to Cain's car. "Love you guys." Cain tells us before leaving.

I move from Colby and sit onto the couch. He sits next to me.

"We've came a long way." I smile up at him. He smiles and pecks my lips.

"Now we just have to raise them right." He laughs. I sigh and laugh quietly.


I wake up to a loud crash outside the window. I lean up quickly, looking at Colby. Colby's still soundly asleep next to me.

I hear another noise, this time it's the front door shutting. My heart races and I shake Colby awake. He groans and looks over at me, "What?" He asks in a whisper. "Someone's in the house!" I exclaim quietly. He rolls his eyes and lean open, when he opens his mouth to speak we both hear footsteps down the hallway. His eyebrows furrow and he jumps up, grabbing the gun that he keeps in our bedside drawer. "Stay right here." He tells me. I shake my head no and get up, following him out the door.

We turn the corner and see Cain standing there, no shirt on. He looks up at us with a shocked expression. Colby relaxes and puts the gun down on the hallway table. "What the fuck, Cain!" I yell.

"I'm sorry I-"

"You're trying to be sneaky?" Colby asks him.

"I was just-"

"And why don't you have a shirt on?" I ask him.

"I went for a run." He shrugs. I look up at the clock, 4am.

"At 4 in the morning?" I ask with raised eyebrows.

"Look I promise I wasn't up to anything. I just went for a jog." His phone starts ringing. I grab it before he had a chance to. Incoming call from Janie. I roll my eyes and give it to Colby.

He sighs gives Cain his phone back. "I was your age once, Cain. I know why you're trying to be sneaky." He laughs. I smack his shoulder before crossing my arms.

"Cain if you're having sex it's okay to tell us." I tell him. His eyes widen before he laughs.

"Yeah, okay. I'm going to my room now." He pushes pass me and Colby, running up the stairs. I look at Colby, who's laughing.

My eyes squint at him before I grab the gun off the table. I walk back into our room, putting it back into Colby's drawer.

Colby wraps his arms around my waist, kissing my shoulder. "He's growing up too fast, Colby." I frown, turning around to face him. He shakes his head, "He's just growing up."


AN: this is officially the end. I'm thinking of doing another pregnancy book of Colby Brock. Let me know!! Thank you guys for sticking around and giving me reads ❤️

 Let me know!! Thank you guys for sticking around and giving me reads ❤️

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The Bad Boy's Baby • Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now