Chapter 43: Happy Birthday

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I race around the apartment trying to set up everything for Cain's birthday. I didn't want to mess it up. It's his first birthday, it's huge. Even though he won't even remember it.

I get a stool and climb on, hanging up some of the decorations on our wall. My finger slips and it falls to the ground, causing me to groan. Colby laughs from behind me and picks it up, hanging it for me. I step down and thank him.

"It's not a big deal, Mar. You're overthinking it." Colby tells me as he tapes balloons together.

"It's a huge deal! It's his first birthday, first birthday, Colby. I can't mess it up." I tell him with a shocked expression.

"Exactly, he won't even remember it."

"But we will." I scold him. He puts his hands up in defense.

"Now, can you hand me the roll of tape please?" He chuckles and does so.


10 minutes until the party and I still feel like I'm missing things. I've double, even triple, checked everything I could possibly need.

Now Colby is busy in his room with Sam, playing video games of course. Kat and Maddie play with Cain on the floor as I set his high chair up.

"He's getting so big," I just from Maddie's voice behind me. I turn around, she's staring at Cain as he plays with Kat.

"I know," I frown. "He's starting to walk more, too. It seems like just yesterday he started rolling over. I can't believe how fast it's going by."

"Maybe it's time for another one," Maddie cheeses at me. I slap her arm and laugh.

"Colby doesn't even know I have feelings for him. Plus, I just graduated, so hell no."

"Maybe you should tell him. It's been a pretty much a year since the whole kiss thing. I mean you already act like a couple, why not make it official?" She turns to me with a soft smile.

I shake my head no, "He doesn't feel the same. I just know it. I mean he literally uses Cain to pick up girl sometimes. In front of me. Do you know how many I've seen do the walk of shame out of here? How many I've heard." My face scrunches in disgust. He doesn't even try to pretend like it doesn't happen.

"Maybe he's just pushing away his feelings like you are." She shrugs. I sigh and turn back to my task. I didn't want to discuss Colby.


"Blow our the candles, bub!" I laugh. I help him blow them out then will all break out with cheers. He claps and smiles.

I give him a spoon for him to eat the cake. Instead, he slaps his hands in it, then sticks it into his mouth. I laugh and kiss his head.

"We officially have a one year old." Colby says, smiling at him. I nod, a tear falling from my eyes.

My mom comes to my side, wrapping an arm around my waist. "He's growing up." She says beside me.

"I know, I don't want him to." I frown.

Colby wipes his face down with a baby wipe. He picks him up, rubbing his belly as he laughs. "That's my boy."

"We're going to head out, I love you." My mom says. She kisses my cheek, then hugs Colby and kisses Cain.

I say bye to my sister and dad.

"I'm going to go put Cain down. That cake is probably going to keep him awake. Maybe being in his crib will make him sleepy." Colby says, I nod in response.

He takes Cain away and go sit on the couch, next to Maddie.

"So are you going to talk to him about that thing?" Maddie asks me. Sam looks over to us.

"What thing?" Sam asks curiously.

I roll my eyes, "No, I'm not. I told you he won't feel the same."

"Oh," Sam drags out.

"She's scared to tell him the truth." Maddie says with a smug voice.

"I'm not afraid. I told you, I know he doesn't feel the same. I was just a stupid one night stand. I'm nothing to him." I look down at my hands.

"You're wrong." His voice says. I look up, he's standing isn't the hallway against the wall. My eyes widen when I realize that he heard all of that. "Could me and Amara get some privacy?" He asks Sam, Maddie and Kat.

"O-of course. We'll see you guys next time, I guess?" Maddie says. Sam and Kat nod. They gather their things and hurry out the door.

"Colby, I-"

"You really think you're nothing to me?" His eyebrows furrow as he walks towards me.

"I mean, it's just that, I don't know. I-It's true." My voice cracks. He makes me so nervous.

He crouches in front of me, placing his hands on my thighs.

"Amara, you literally had my child. You live with me. You sleep with me. You're," he sighs, "you're perfect. And even before that stupid party, I wanted you. Why do you think I invited you in the first place? I knew what was going to happen and I thought that was the only way to get you interested in me." His lips press together.

"And then so much more happened. I've been so worried that I'm not good enough. So worried that I would turn into some monster. I didn't want that for you and Cain. I wanted you to be able to run. So I just hid everything."

"Colby, you're not a monster. You'll never be a monster." I tell him, holding his hand.

"I know. I just love you guys so much," I cut him off by bringing his face up. Smiling, I lean in, placing my lips on his. I can feel him smile against me. His hands go behind me, pulling me closer to him. My arms wrap around his neck. I feel like it's the first time. It feels perfect.

Colby stands up, our lips never disconnect as we get on our feet. He backs me up, pressing my back against the wall. His hands stay on my waist, caressing my sides. The cool feeling makes me shiver.

He pulls away, our foreheads stay connected as we breathe against each other. My heart races, the excitement taking over.

"I love you." He whispers. I smile and open my eyes, his are still closed.

"I love you too." I laugh.

A/N: this is the end.

Just kidding it's not. But, it could be if you want. Pass this point there will be more time jumps. However, their story is not over. I love writing this book and I don't know if I'll ever be done. But if you'd like to stop, you can now that you know they did indeed end up together!

The Bad Boy's Baby • Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now