Chapter 37: You Make Me Sick

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It's been three weeks of fear. Three weeks of constant anxiety. Three weeks of hell.

Today Maddie, Sam and Sam's new girlfriend Katrina are coming over. Colby thinks I need to see my friends. I've been at my parents house for the pass week, it makes me feel a little safer knowing I'm out of the apartment. He understands and doesn't mind coming there to see us. But I'm back now. I need to get over it.

Cain stayed at my parents. They decided to watch him for a couple days just to give me some time. Rya is the one who really pushed for it. She hates that I moved out, but only because she wants to see Cain.

A knock at the door makes me jump. I'm sure it's just Maddie, she already texted saying she was on the way.

I get up and open it, Maddie stands there smiling. I wave at her, "Hey! I hope you don't mind, I figured I would bring a surprise with me." She laughs. She reaches out and pulls someone closer to her. Someone I didn't want to see. John.

He stood there smiling, like nothing ever happened. Like he didn't hurt me.

My smiles drops, but his eyes give me a look, telling me to shut up. I clear my throat and smile again. "Wow!" I act surprised.

"Long time no see, Mar." he says. He grabs me and hugs me, his breath hitting my neck and his hand a little too close to my bottom. My heart races when his grip tightens.

I can feel my eyes water but I ignore it. Maybe it never happened? Maybe it was a dream?

"C-come in," I stutter and open the door wider. Maddie walks in, John behind her as he looks me up and down.

My skin crawls with fear when he smirks at me. He acts like I wanted it.

Colby walks out of his room, greeting them both.

"How about we knock out some alcohol?" Colby says as he opens the fridge.

"Hell yeah, man." John laughs and sits on one of our stools. I continue to stand at the doorway, just staring at them. Maddie looks my way and turns her head with confusion. I smile at her and walk over to them, leaning over the island. I need to act like everything's okay.

"Want one, Mar?" John asks, handing me a drink with a mix of vodka and juice. He used my nickname like it belongs to him.

I shake my head no. I didn't want anything from him.

"Who's the DD?" I ask Maddie.

"They don't have to worry about it. You guys can sleep here if you both want to drink." Colby offers. I mentally slap him for the suggestion.

"Oh yeah that'll be great." John says smiling. He looks at me like he's trying to tell me it'll happen again.

I don't want Maddie in the same house as him. I don't want him to think it's okay to do it to her too. "Me and Maddie will sleep in my room." I chip in.

Johns jaw tenses, but he doesn't look at me. He wanted me to be alone.

I pretend like I don't notice. I look back at Maddie who was now just sitting on her phone. "Lets go to my room." I tell her with a smile. I don't want to be in the same room as him.

She nods and follows me. I shut the door behind her. She lays down on my bed and sighs. "So comfy," she laughs.

I laugh and sit next to her. "Maddie," I say quietly. I want to tell her. I want to tell someone. What will happen though? What if he hurts me again?

"Yeah?" She leans up.

I stare at her for a second. "I-" my words stop when I feel vomit come up my throat. I slap my hand on my face before running over to my trash can. I throw up, feeling like my insides are coming out. When it stops I look up, at Maddie. She's wide eyed, staring back at me.

"You good?" She asks.

"Uh," I breathe out, "I don't know." I tell her.

"A-are you pregnant?" She whispers the last word. My eyes widen and I shake my head no.

"Have you and Colby, you know?" She wiggles her eyebrows with a smile.

My eyes water. What if I am? What if he came inside me? What am I supposed to do?

"I-" my heart races.

"I'm going to kill him!" She yells.

"No, no Maddie." I stop her from getting up. "I didn't want to tell anybody because I was scared about what would happen." I swallow, "I didn't w-want it o happen. I said no," I begin to cry. Maddie's mouth opens from shock. She sits next to me and hugs me, I can feel her heart racing. "Who did?" She whispers. I shake my head no. I can't tell her it was John. She would be so upset with me.

"We're going to get you a test right now. Okay? And whoever that bastard is, is going to pay for it. You do not get to be abused. You're too good for that." She looks at me with tears. I nod my head as she holds my cheeks still.

We both get up. I wipe my face down. We walk out my room Sam and Kat are here already and getting their drinks.

"We're going to the store, we'll be back later." Maddie tells them as she grabs her keys. Colby's eyes switch to mine. I'm sure he can tell somethings wrong.

"Kat, you want to come?" I ask her. She smiles and nods. I want to get to know her more. We've been around each other for months now and we barely know each other.


"So what are we looking for?" Kat asks as we walk around the isles of CVS.

Maddie looks at me. "A pregnancy test." I tell her. Her eyes widen and she nods without saying anything.

"For me," Maddie says. I roll my eyes, she doesn't have to take the blame. "It's actually for me, don't lie Maddie." I tell her.

"I was raped." I tell her.

I don't even care now. I just want this to be over.

Kat gasps, Maddie turns to me with wide eyes. I shrug at them both. I stop at the tests and pick one. Just a simple clear blue. I'm not pregnant anyways.

"This is stupid. I know I'm not pregnant. I would know if I was." I tell them.

Maddie presses her lips together, "Better safe than sorry."

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