Chapter 39: Honesty

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-Colby's POV-

I leave my bathroom. All I can think of is how angry I am. How guilty I am. I let it happen. I told him to talk to her. I told him that she would be excited to see him. And he did that to her? He took it upon himself to fuck up her life? I swing my door open. I see him still sleeping on my couch. My couch.

I hear Amara run behind me. "Colby!" She yells quietly. I roll my eyes and turn around. She's standing in the doorway, her eyes bright red and puffy. Her arms are crossed low along her abdomen.

I look back at John. Just his face alone is pissing me off.

"Please," she whispers, "Please just talk to me real quick." Her voice breaks at the end.

I sigh and look down, I just want to break his face in. I want to hurt him the way he hurt Amara.

I walk back into my room, Amara shuts the door. "Sit down." She says.

I sit on the edge of my bed. She paces in front of me.

"What am I supposed to do, Colby?" She begins to cry. I take a deep breath and rub my hands on my legs. I didn't know what to tell her. She needed an answer and I can't give her one. I can't tell her what to do. But she doesn't need another baby.

"And I promised I tried to stop him. I pushed and I kicked. I did everything I was suppose to do to stop. I said no, and he just-" I shush her and stand up, taking her into my arms. She didn't deserve that.

"It's not your fault. If anything, it's my fault. I told him to text you." It's my fault. It's all my fault.

"He told me he w-would hurt me again. He told me he would hurt Cain." My grip tightens around her. It's not just her. It's Cain. He's threatening my family.

"I don't care what he said. He needs to be put behind bars." My teeth grit together.

"I can't go through that. I just want him gone. And now I'm pregnant. What am I supposed to do?"

I sigh and hug her again. There was nothing I could say or do to fix this.

"Just stay here, okay?" I tell her. I sprint out the room before she could respond, shutting the door behind me.

John's now up, him and Sam are both standing in the kitchen talking. My fists ball and I walk up to him, putting my hand on his chest, pushing him into the wall.

"If you ever hurt her again," he smirks and laughs in my face. Sam's hands try to pull me off him but he's not strong enough. I let go of him and swing, hitting the side of his face. My hand doesn't hurt, instead I feel powerful.

He wipes the blood of the side of his lip. He never stops smiling. "Or what?" He chuckles. My nostrils flare and I get out top of him, holding him down with one hand as I repeatedly punch him. He doesn't hit me back.

"Colby! Colby!" Sam tells my name from behind me, his arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me up.

"What the fuck?!" Kat yells as she comes down the hallway.

"Get the fuck out!" I yell at him. He gets up, his smug look just tells me he feels no remorse. He grabs his jacket off the kitchen counter and walks out.

"What the fuck was that?!" Sam tells at me.

"He deserved it." My heart still pounds in my chest from the rage.

I fix my shirt and turn around. Maddie and Kat are both standing in the hallway staring at us. Sam doesn't say another word.

Then, my bedroom door slowly opens. Amara stands on the other side. Her face is extremely red now. She looks like she's been crying for days. She looks upset with me.


"I'm going to lay down." She says quietly. I sigh and watch her as she walks into her room.

"Can someone please explain?!" Sam asks concerned.

"Let's just go." Kat tells him.

"I just-" Sam begins.

"I'll talk to you later, okay man?" I tell him. He rolls his eyes and nods. Him and Kat get their things and also leave.

Now it's just me and Maddie in the living room.

She looks at me for a while. "She's pregnant, isn't she?" Maddie asks me. I look down and nod, taking a seat on the couch. She joins.

"I just wished I could help her. It's all my fault." I say.

"No it's not. You had nothing to do with it." Maddie's hand touches mine.

"I did. I told him to talk to her. I encouraged him to see her. It wouldn't have happened if I- it wouldn't have happened if I was just honest in the beginning. If I just told her that I loved her, all of this could of been avoided." I can feel my cheeks heat up. My eyes become watery as I think of what I've done.

"You're not him, Colby. You didn't tell him to hurt her. You didn't tell him to do what he did. There's nothing you could of done." Maddie stands up. "And if you love her, she needs to know. She needs to know that she's not alone, especially right now."

The Bad Boy's Baby • Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now