Chapter 14: The Truth

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"So you're telling me that he knocked you up, decided he didn't want the baby and now he's back to be in your life? And this is that Colby dude?" John says on the other end of the phone.

I FaceTimed him first to tell him so he doesn't find out from the whole school. Colby sits on the end of my bad watching me as I tell him.

"Yeah, and he's right here too." I laugh and flip the camera to him. Colby waves slightly, looking uninterested. "I have to go now. I'll call you later."

John tells me goodbye and I hang the phone up.

"So is he like your boyfriend?" Colby laughs.

"Do you really think I'm thinking about having a boyfriend right now? I'm still trying to figure out the best plan for my son." I roll my eyes and get up, putting a hoodie over my head. "I'm going to get some food, you can come with or just go back with Sam. I don't care." I grab my keys and open my door. Colby gets up and follows me out.

"Hold on." I hear my dads voice. My heart starts racing, this was the first time he's acknowledged me in over a month.

I turns around and Colby does too. He stands in front of us with his arms crossed, disappointed looking. "So you're the boy you knocked my daughter up?"

Colby looks at me, as if he's screaming for help. He stutters to say anything, "Y- yes sir." I can see him swallow.

I bite my lips and stand slightly in front of Colby. My dad is a big man with a lot of anger built inside him.

He nods his head towards my bedroom door. Colby points at himself with his eyebrows raised. My dad nods his head yes and Colby follows him to my room. "You too, Amara." My dad says. I walk behind Colby, back into my room. We both sit on my bed as my dad shuts my door.

"I just want to talk." He shrugs and grabs my chair, sitting in front of us.

"Dad this is unnecessary." I groan

"No, it's very necessary. I haven't spoken to you about this and I thought now would be a good time for him to hear what I have to say about the situation." He pauses while we stare at him. "I'm not going to yell and scream and threaten you. I just want to talk about plans and the future. I know you told Amara that you didn't want the baby, correct?"

Colby opens his mouth to speak, but shuts it. "He changed his mind, dad." I speak up. Colby looks at me, thanking me through his eyes.

"Did he? I don't want my daughter to be a single mother raising a child that's going to wonder where his father is his whole life. I'm not going to allow that."

"Yes sir, that's exactly why I'm here. My dad left when I was ten and I haven't seen him since, I don't want my son to grow up without his dad. It's hard knowing you weren't good enough for your own parents." I look at Colby with sadness as he talks to my dad. My dads eyes meet mine and he sighs, "So what's you're plan?"

"Dad it's been thirty minutes since we talked, we don't really know much of anything right now."

"Actually, I started thinking about it when I decided to step up. I have a job, one good enough to support Amara and the baby, all the way. I was thinking we could co-parent, but for the first few months I want to be with both of them as most as possible. Maybe she could stay at my house or I can stay here so we can both contribute at night. But, that's all up to her too." I softly smile when I hear Colby talking about his plans with the baby. He grabs my hands and squeezes it slightly, "I want to be the best dad I can be."

The Bad Boy's Baby • Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now