Chapter 28: Family

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-Colby's POV-

We only have a month left until Cain is here and I still don't know how to convince Amara to not give him up.

I love the women we've met, they're great, honestly. I want my son, though. I want to be his dad and be there for him. I want to love him and watch all his firsts. But I can't because Amara already decided what was best for him. It should be both of our decisions, but I understand that she can't trust me.

How do I tell her I want to keep him? Do I tell her that I want to keep him? She won't listen to or even consider what I want. She has her mind made.

"Colby can you hand me my shoes?" Amara sighs next to me. I smile and nod, standing up and handing her shoes to her.

Another day, another lunch with the moms.

I watch as she struggles to slip her shoes on. I can see the frustration in her face. She frowns and looks up at me with tears. My eyebrows furrow immediately, "I can do it for you, don't cry." I tell her, getting the shoe out her hand. I hear her sniffle as the lean down, grabbing her foot.

"I'm sorry. I'm not crying because of my shoes. I'm just so fat." She tells me as I tie her shoe. I look up at her with apologetic eyes.

"Don't say that. You're growing a baby, there's a difference." I roll my eyes.

"How does John like me? I'm so gross." I look up again and she full on bawling her eyes out as I put her other shoe on.

I sigh and watch as she tried to remain calm. I know it's just the hormones. She knows John likes her a lot just for who she is. I don't know why she's being dramatic.

While I do wish I was with her instead of him, I think he's a pretty good guy. He liked her before he knew she was pregnant and he likes her still. They've been together for months now, if he wasn't comfortable with it he wouldn't have stayed.

"He likes you for who you are." I sit next to her and hug her.

"I know, but" she hiccups, "but what if he realizes he doesn't? After I have Cain. What if he just got with me because he felt bad for me. I don't know if I can take that, Colby." She wipes her tears away and looks at me.

I don't know what to say to her. How am I suppose to make her feel better? I'm the reason she's in this mess.

Before I could respond the doorbell rings. Amara coughs and stands up slowly, wiping her face one last time. I watch her as she walks to the door, opening it with a wide smile. I roll my eyes and stand up. She can't hide the redness in her face.

"Hi!" Robin cheers as she hugs Amara. I shake her hand and Lillian's.

"Come in." Amara tells them. They both nod and walk in.

This is only the third time we've seen them. Amara seems to really enjoy their company and they're both really cool. They're also really considering an open adoption for us. That honestly would be great. I want to be able to watch him. Still not the best situation but it's better than nothing.

"We were actually wondering if we could talk to you guys." Lillian tells us. Amara looks at me concerned before turning back to them.

"I-is everything okay?" She asks them. She grabs my hand and squeezes it.

They probably just have questions about his birth. Or maybe they decided on a name.

"Everything is perfect." Robin takes a deep breath as she looks at Lillian.

"We made a decision that we though would be best for not only us, but for you too." Lillian tells us.

Amara's grip tightens and I can see her become more tense.

"We think that it would benefit Cain the most to be with his parents. His real parents." My mouth opens and I look at Amara, who also looks shocked.

"A-Are you sure? I mean we honestly have no idea what we're doing and we don't have anything for him. We don't even have clothes or diapers or a crib. We're not-" Amara starts to hyperventilate beside me.

"Sweetie, sweetie," robins smiles, she stands up and leans to Amara, putting her hand on her cheek. "You're going to be an amazing mother. He needs you. You know that this is what you wanted from the beginning. You know he will be safe and happy with you. And Colby." She glances at me with a smile.

"And don't worry about not having his things together. We have been buying things nonstop sense we found you guys a couple weeks ago. You can have all of it. We want you to." Lillian says.

I stay silent from the shock. I'm overly excited and happy but I'm scared. I wasn't really expecting to be able to keep Cain. Now I am. I'm keeping my son.

The Bad Boy's Baby • Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now