Chapter 8: Don't Walk Away

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I sit in shock after Colby leaves. I can't believe he just walked out on me. I swallow the spit in my mouth and bite my lip as my eyes fill with tears. I'm going to be a single mother. He doesn't want the baby, I'm going to be alone in all of this.

"I got here as soon as school got out, are you okay?" Madeline asks as she barges into my room. My eyes meet hers and she frowns. "What happened?" She sits next to me, I hug her and cry on her shoulder. "Amara tell me what happened." She says.

I nod, "I'm," I hiccup, "I'm pregnant." She moves away from me, holding me back as she looked at me. "With Colby's?" Her eyebrows raise. I nod again and cry harder. "Oh my god," she breaths out. "Does he know?"

I look down and bring my hands away from her. She'll kill him. "He doesn't want it." I sniffle and wipe my face. She stands up, "I'll kill him!" She yells. "Mads, calm down. He has a choice. If he doesn't want the baby then he doesn't have to be in involved. I'm not going to force him."

"He has to! It's his responsibility and it's not fair for you to-"

"It's not fair but it is what it is." I shrug my shoulders.

I'm going to have this baby and I'm going to be the best mom I can be. I don't need Colby. I barely know Colby. I can't have a baby with him, not now not ever.

"Amara, he needs to help you." She sighs.

"No, he doesn't. I don't want him to if he doesn't love the baby." It's not fair to him to stay around if he doesn't want to. I know I want my baby, but if he doesn't he doesn't have to.

"What are you going to do?" She sighs and sits back down.

"I haven't really thought about it. I'm still trying to get over the fact that I'm actually a mother now." I play with my hands.

"Well, ill help you no matter what. I love you, Amara." She hugs me and kisses my head.

"Thank you."



I spent the night in the hospital. They had to monitor the baby and make sure there wasn't any complications. My dad still hasn't been back, but my mom brought me a bag and food. I haven't talked to my sister and Madeline had to leave shortly after she came.

I was completely alone throughout the night. I couldn't sleep and I lost my appetite. I feel helpless.

I finally got enough balls to look at myself. My face is cut on the right side in multiple spots, I also have a bruise on my cheek and my chin is also burnt from the force of the airbag. My right wrist is broken in two spots but they said I'll only have to wear a cast for about six weeks. My leg is also bruised along my hip to my knee. I'm not sure what happened to Colby's car or the other man. My mom however was able to receive my bag and phone front he police station. Thankfully nothing was broken.

I look at my phone, still no call or text from Colby. I don't want to bother him but we need to talk. I need to have clarification on where we stand.

I stare at his contact in my phone. It's only one phone call. I just need one conversation.

I quickly press the call button. I listen to it ring, one, two, three.

I hear his voice on the other end, "Hey."

I take a deep breath, "We need to talk about this."

"Look, Amara, I cant be a dad. I'm sorry, just get an abortion and we can both forget about this."

My face heats up from anger, "I watched our baby's heartbeat, Colby. I saw the life inside of me. I'm not having an abortion!" I raise my voice slightly.

"Then you can do it on your own." He hangs up, leaving me speechless.

I already figured he didn't want this by the way he left my room, but that just proved it to me.

I was already afraid but now I'm even more horrified by the truth. I'm 17, I'm pregnant and I'm completely alone.

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