Chapter 17: Liar Liar

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I tap my foot as I watch the time in the clock. 15 more minutes and class will be over. I get to go home and be myself, be stress free and happy.

Yeah, right. I get to go home and be just as stressed and as unhappy as I am now. Except there I only have to deal with the weird looks from my own father.

Two weeks, you would think people would get over it. But now that I'm really showing, it seems like everyone is interested in my life.

I heard a few whispers and a few laughs, nobody has been mean though. Thankfully, I'm getting pretty lucky with that.

Colby of course really hasn't had any issues. Girls still all over him, boys still going on like nothing has happened. But me, the girl who's hid in the shadows my whole life, is getting all the attention in the room. I hate it. I hate all of it.

"That's really all I have today, you guys can pack up and wait for the bell to ring." My teacher says. I sigh in relief and put my things up, grabbing my phone.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around. Halle, a girl who's been in school with me since freshman year, is smiling at me. "Hey, I was just wondering, did you lie to Colby about the baby being his or do you really believe he's stupid enough to knock you up?" I stare in shock at her and her friend laughs beside her.

This girl, whom I've never even spoken to, is trying to start with me. About my baby. Normally I would have John here with me, but he's sick so I have to deal with this alone.

I face her completely, raising my eyebrows at her. "What?" I ask.

"I said, are you lying about it being his kid?" She repeats herself with a "stupid" voice.

I press my lips together and take a deep breath, blinking slowly.

I didn't want to cry at school. I didn't want people to know I was weak. I didn't want to show emotion, I just wanted to go on like normal.

"So you're a liar?" She laughs, "I'll make sure to tell Colby that when I'm sucking his dick tonight." The bell rings and she stands up, smiling as she grabs her bag.

I stay in my seat, trying to remain calm so I can refrain from crying in front of the class.

My teacher walks out the door as the rest of the kids follow. I stay in my seat, taking deep breaths.

Finally, I calm down enough to leave. I get my bag and stand up, pushing my chair in tiredly.

I bite my lip as I walk down the hallway. I can feel the tears in my eyes wanting to fall, but I keep them steady. Most of the kids are already of the school, so I'm alone in the hallway. I pause for a moments and put my hand on the wall, leaning down slightly as I try to contain my breathing. My face becomes red and my tears start to flow as my chest tightens. I hold my chest, trying to breathe. I let my bag fall off my shoulder and sit down in the floor, bringing my knees to my chest. I cradle myself as I try to calm down. I can't, however. I can't stop.

I hear footsteps and immediately stand up, wiping my face. They come closer to me and I look up, seeing a worried and confused Sam.

"Woah, what's up buttercup?" He puts his hands on my arms, bringing me into a hug. I cry in his chest, repeating the word "why" as I cry.

Why me? Why Colby? Why now?

"Amara," he sighs and he hugs me tight. "Come on tell me what's wrong. What happened? Do you need Maddie, Colby, anything?"

I take a deep breath, wiping my face with my hands as he legs go of me.

"I- I'm not okay. I can't do this. I can't- I-" my voice hicks as I try to talk. My tears cut through again and I'm left crying, not able to speak.

The Bad Boy's Baby • Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now