Chapter 44: Paranormal

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-Colby- *two years later*

"Maybe all these ghost things were doing is affecting us. Lately things just don't feel the same. You know?"  Sam asks me.

"Nah. It's just in your head." I shrug my shoulders as I continue to edit the video.

"Something's up with this house, I'm telling you." Sam shakes his head in disappointment.

"Daddy!" Cain screams from the hallway. He runs in, handing me a piece of paper.

"I'm sorry, I know I said I would keep him away while you edited." Amara frowns as she walks in after me.

Before I could say something, Cains already talking, "Look what I made! It's you." He smiles pointing to the paper. I look down, blue scribbles across the page makes me smile. He's so proud of himself.

"I tried to grab him," Amara says sadly.

"No, it's okay." I smile. I kiss her, then her big belly. "How are you feeling?" I rub her side.

"Fine. I'm just tired, two more months and I feel like I've been pregnant for years." She laughs.

"Well, like you said, two more months and she's here."

I put Cains drawing beside my table and pick him up, letting him sit on my lap.

"Is Corey and Jake home?" Sam asks me.

"Yeah, and Katrina and Tara just came in." Amara tells him.

He nods and leaves the room.

"Cain daddy has to work. Let's go downstairs with Uncle Sam." Amara tries to get him but shakes his head, "No!" He screams at her. My eyes widen and I look down at him.

"Don't talk to her like that. Let me finish up and I'll come see you later." I tell him. He frowns and nods.

He hops off my lap and grabs Amara's hand. "Love you," I mouth to her. She smiles and they leave the room, shutting the door behind them.

I sigh and turn back to my computer. Sam and I decided to play some stupid ritual. Nothing really happened but it's entertaining to see if it works.

I watch the video through again before finishing. I stretch and stand up, grabbing my phone. When I turn around the door is open. I could of swore they closed it. I ignore it and leave, walking into the living room. Amara is folding clothes as Cain plays with Corey.

"Dads back!" Corey shouts to Cain. He turns Cain around and he runs to me. I pick him up as he flies into my arms.

"Uncle Corey gave me a cookie."

"Brother that was a secret!" Corey laughs. I roll my eyes.

"Uncle Corey wasn't suppose to give you cookies before bedtime." I shake my head at Corey. He's always the one giving him food for some reason.

"Momma said it was okay." Cains shrugs. I look at Amara and she smiles, "He was so excited I couldn't say no." I laugh and shake my head.

"Let's go lay down." I tell him as I walk away.

"I don't want to." He frowns. I open his door ignoring his request.

"Daddy," he says as I put him on his toddler bed.

"Cain you know it's bedtime." I sit him beside his pillow and pull back his cover.

"But the old man watches me." He whines. My eyes widen and I look at him.

"The old man?"

"The old man." He nods.

"Cain, nobody watches you. It's just a dream." I sigh. He lays down and I kiss his head. "I love you, goodnight."

"Daddy, he's behind you." He points. I turn around quickly. My heart jumps but nothing there.

"How about you sleep in our room tonight?" I ask him. I can't say I'm not freaked out, because I am. I'm a full believer that there's something beyond. And maybe Sam's right, maybe all the shit we've been doing is affecting us.

"Okay!" He says excitedly. I pick him up and take him next door to our room. I lay him in the middle of our bed and cover him up.

"Goodnight, buddy." I kiss his head.

"Goodnight, daddy." He smiles.

For a three year old he's so advanced. He speaks like he's been around since the 90s.

I leave him be and turn off the bedroom light, keeping our bathroom one on. He doesn't like the darkness.

I shut the door quietly. When I turn around Sam is behind me. "Told you so." Sam says.

"Don't start that." I roll my eyes.

"I'm just saying, the "old man" is fucking with us." He follows me down the stairs.

"Sam, nothing is in this house. He probably just imagined that. That's what kids do. They imagine."

"Cain's seeing ghosts." Sam blurts out to our friends.

"What?" Amara says worriedly.

"No he's not." I groan. "His imagination is getting the best of him, that's all. He's been saying he sees an "old man" watching him at night." I shrug.

"An old man? That's weird." Corey says.

"I know right." I laugh.

"No, I've been seeing a man since I was young too. Well, I was 15." Corey explains.

"You guys have been doing a lot of paranormal things lately." Tara says to us.

I sigh and sit next to Amara. She stays quiet. "What do you think?" I ask her.

She shrugs, keeping her eyes on the clothes she was doing. "I don't know." Her voice sounds weak. All of us look at her. She looks around, "Alright, fine. I did the same thing when I was little. My parents thought it was just dreams. But, it happened until I was about 12. I used to see him everywhere. In my room, the grocery store, the bathroom mirror. It just stopped one day." She tells us.

"Great," I groan, "we're haunted." I laugh.

"We should play a ouija board." Jake says happily.

"Hell no!" Corey yells, "not happening."

"Pussy," Jake laughs.

"I just don't have a good experience with them." Corey states quietly.

"I'm with him." Amara says with a smile.

"Well me, Colby and Jake can. Kat and Tara, y'all can do you want but it's up to you." Sam says.

"No I don't think so." Kat laughs.

"Yeah, I'm not messing with that devil shit." Tara agrees.

"I agree maybe we should just leave it alone." I tell him.

"Fine. But we'll never know the answer."

"That's how it should be." Amara tells him. "It's better to not know. I'm going to lay down. Goodnight, guys."

"I'll go with you. Night." I tell everyone. Me and Amara go up the stairs. Cain is knocked out in our bed.

"He's so beautiful." Amara laughs. She pulls back the covers and lays down, snuggling up to him.

"She's going to be beautiful too." I smile placing a hand on her belly.

"I'm excited." Amara says quietly.

"We all are." I lay down on the other side of Cain.

"Goodnight." She yawns. "I love you." I smile and wrap my arm around Cain and her.

The Bad Boy's Baby • Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now