Chapter 13

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-Tatianna's Way-

I froze at Marco's words. It's been a long time since someone said that he believes in me. I didn't think that of all the people in this world that annoying brat would be the one to say those words to me.

"You can do it, Tatianna Louisse Caltor! I believe in you!"

I could feel the smile that formed on my face. It felt good, having someone who trusts you enough that he'll put his belief on you. But at the same it it's a bit terrifying. I don't know if I could live up to his expectations or even reach it.

The bell indicating that lunch break is done rang. Against my will and with a heavy heart, I had to come down. I slowly walked my way towards the high school building once more. At the lobby I saw Sakura standing at one of the pillars.

"Sakura-chan!" I waved at her.

"Tatianna-chan!" She rushed towards me. "I texted and called you a lot of times already, asking you where you are. I was worried that something might have happened to you."

I took out my phone and sure enough, Sakura flooded me with her text messages and calls. Sheepishly I rubbed the back of my neck. "Gomenasai, Sakura-chan. (I'm sorry, Sakura.) I place my phone in silent mode."

"It's okay. Let's go to the clubroom now?"

I nodded and together we made our way towards the Painter's Society room. It really feels like Sakura is the sister that I never knew of, since we practically have the same likes and dislikes. We share a common passion for painting as well. And thus I asked her to join the club, and she happily agreed.

I have always loved the art room. Paintings abound everywhere. Through the different colors of paint, I could unleash all that I'm keeping inside me. As we entered the room, there were only about thirty of us. From the looks of it, there are only about twelve new members. Well, it's better than nothing.

I looked at the familiar faces and smiled at them. I've been on this club since first year in junior high and now I'm the only old member who is a third year senior high student. I'm not exactly close with everyone, but I maintain a civil relationship with all of them.

We formed a big circle and introduced ourselves one by one and Sean took charge for the election. It's nice to know that this club will continue on. Apparently, only I, Sakura, and another batch mate by the name of Stuart are the oldest.

"Any nominations for the position of president?"

Yanna raised her hand. "I nominate Tatianna!"



I heard murmurs of agreement. Sakura clapped her hand in glee beside me.

"I second the motion!"

I stood up and shook my head. "I... I can't guys..."

"But Tatianna, you're the eldest and the one who has been in the Painter's Society the longest. We think that you deserve to be president," Gabby reasoned.

"Plus you are really nice to everyone. And your artworks are really amazing!" Olga explained.

"Your paintings are amazing, Tatianna. You could represent the entire Painter's Society. Plus your idea of the auction last year made our club one of the highest earning groups in this school. Thanks to you we had a great Christmas and farewell party to the former members. Plus our budget is bigger, thanks to you," Steve supplied.

I looked at everyone's expectant faces. Suddenly Marco's words came to my mind once again.


"You can do it, Tatianna. Just believe in yourself. You're more capable than you think."

That confident smile...

"You can do it, Tatianna Louisse Caltor! I believe in you!"

Those confident words...

No one ever saw me like you do
All the things that I could add up too

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then I gave them a small smile. "Guess I have no choice but to agree, huh?"

In the end, I became the president with Sakura as the secretary. The vice president position was given to Stuart Naymore, a batch mate that I never had any interaction with before. Well, since when did I interact with people unless needed anyway? I've seen him in parties that I'm forced to go to and different other occasions. He's a popular kid too, with his good looks, talents, brains, and charms. I didn't know he actually paints since he's a newbie at the club.

The meeting was adjourned a while later. Stuart came to me and extended his hand. "Hello, Tatianna. I guess we've never been introduced formally before. My name is Stuart Michael Naymore. I'm looking forward to working with you."

I shook his hand and gave him a smile. "Hi. Well, I'm Tatianna Louisse Caltor. I look forward to leading the Painter's Society with you, too."

We removed the hold of each other's hands. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you join the club just this year when it is our last?"

He smiled bashfully and rubbed his shoulder. "Well... I like to paint... it's just that dad kept on bugging me on joining the Manager's Guild while working on the company at the same time. And thus I've been busy. This year I asked him to let me do what I want, and he agreed."

"Welcome to the club, then. I hope you'll enjoy your stay here."

His smile grew wider. "I'm sure I will."

Sakura and I left the room together. When I arrived home, I made all the possible events of the club. If I'm going to be president, I have to work will all my might. I don't want to lose the faith of the people who believes in me.

I looked around my room, my eyes landing on an artwork of a butterfly with flowers. It is something that Tristan had drawn. Unlike me, he didn't possess the gift of the arts. It looks sloppy, but I love that painting. It's my brother's gift to me, and I treasure it greatly.

"You know what, little sis? It makes me wonder why you're still a caterpillar or a bud."


"What are you saying brother?"


"I know that beauty resides in you. You just need to let it out." He rummaged my hair and smiled. "But I know someday you will turn into the pretty butterfly or flower that you really are... just like this painting of mine!"


I chuckled. "If I'm going to turn out that horrible, thanks but no thanks brother dear."



I smiled at the memory. Thanks for believing in me, brother.

Then Marco's smiling face crossed my mind. Ugh! Erase! Erase! 

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