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A lot of notifications were vibrating from his phone but he didn't realize as he watched haneul baking macaroons. "Did you learn from some skilled baker cause they look delicious," Yoonoh exclaimed, as haneul chuckles. "Well thank you."

"Can I try them?" He asked pointing at the macaroons. "Yeah sure."

He goes to grab some when the sound of the doorbell buzzes making them glance at the door in sync. "I'll go and get it." He walked to the door opening it and his eyes widened in surprise staring at the person in front. "Why the hell are you guys here?"

"Wow, nice welcoming bro." The taller one said with a hit of sarcasm. Yoonoh ignored him and asks the guy beside him. "You should have texted me right." The guys there all frowned in disbelief. "We did!" They all protested together.

As haneul waits for yoonoh to return she hears some male voices surely not yoonoh's but some others. In curiosity, she goes there to see the owners of the voice as she slowly steps peeking when the younger notice her. "Is that a girl?" making their attention to her as she waved her hand and smiled awkwardly. "Hi"

They all dashed their direction to her leaving yoonoh behind and also their argument. "Hello!" Tells the younger one omg he looks like a puppy- she thinks before smiling at him.
"Nice to meet you-" said the taller one handshaking her hands when the black hair guy pushed them away. "You're making her feel uncomfortable."

Yoonoh arrives shaking his head embarrassed by his friend's behavior. "I'm sorry, for their acts," He said, causing them to shoot a glare to him. "Anyway meet my friends do young..." Referring to the black hair dude as he smiles at her he reminds me of the bunny. "Johnny..." The tall one who winked at her making her laughed awkwardly. "And lastly Jung-woo." The puppy looking, guy. "And guys meet haneul my friend from here." She slightly bows at them.

"No need to be formal haneul we are all Yoon's age." Johnny ensures her as she looks at them all smiling at her.

"Did you seriously made those!" Jungwoo exclaimed, looking at her. "Yes?" She chuckled at the boy who widens his eyes. "It's so good." He told her before eating them in genuine happiness.

"Don't mind him he's a foodie," Doyoung tells her and she giggled hearing it.

In those hours with them was really fun haneul felt relaxed around them they were all nice persons she can say.
"I wanna drink coffee," Johnny whined, eyeing at yoonoh hoping he will make for him. "I'm not making it john." He refused, hearing more whines from him.

Haneul stood up gaining their attention. "I will make for you."
"Really!!" She nodded smiling at him.

"Haneul you don't have to do this," Yoonoh said, gazed the girl concerned. "It's okay yoonoh I will do it." He sighed and smiled at her nodding.
Haneul leaves the room heading to the kitchen and by johnny yelling thank you.

"Dude she's gone stop staring at her." Doyoung noticed the boy as he looks away realizing he was looking at her way too long getting his ears flushed.

"So what's with you and haneul?" Jungwoo questioned, wiggling his eyebrows while yoonoh just stares at him puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Don't act like you don't know." Johnny cuts in, taking a bite of the macaroon. "Huh, I really don't understand." He answered still in questionable state.

Jungwoo and johnny were about to explain to him but doyoung interrupt them. "Did you guys forgot he's poor at those things." The two nodded and said yeah together.

"Do you like haneul?" Doyoung asked.
He didn't hesitate to reply. "Of course, she's a really good friend-"

"No, he meant the other way," Johnny said, hoping for a good response. "I...never though you of it," Yoonoh murmured quietly, but they heard him as they all sighs.

"But we clearly see it like the way you look at her and smile." Johnny tip points him.
"Really I never noticed." Yoonoh now starts to think it's not like he never dated but those things of falling in love he didn't quite understand.

"Here's your coffee, johnny." Haneul arrives delivering the coffee to johnny as his eyes sparkle in joy. "Thank you so much, haneul your a life savior." She laughed at him not knowing someone was staring at her still questioning himself do I like her?

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