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The sound of heavy rain can be heard clearly even inside the room. Haneul was watching the weather near the window sitting on the couch with a disprove face she sighed for the eighth time.

"Stop sighing haneul it's not going to stop if you do that." Yoonoh said busy playing Temple run.

"You know I can't help it we were supposed to go picnic today." She whines moving her body left and right when it starts to pour heavy because of the action it starts to pour more which she gasps. "Wow the weather totally hates me."

Yoonoh chuckled "sure it's true. They doesn't like they way you whine"

It's been weeks after the boy moved in as as far as she could tell he started to open up and there was a side she didn't expect from him the game of teasing her.

Yoonoh remark makes her react by throwing a cushion on his face "you deserved it." Sucking out her tongue at him playfully as she laughs widely echoing all over the house. "That hurts!" Yoonoh complaints and goes to haneul who still was laughing her ass off.

She runs away from him as he chase her "come back here." After few minutes of catch and run haneul finally gives up letting her drop on the couch. "Okay stop I'm sorry I give up." She muttered on the cushion and soon Yoonoh joins her too patting like he ran all the way here.

They both stays in a comfortable silence listing to the patter of the rain almost like a sweet lullaby. Haneul was happy even though she was a bit disappoint that her plan was cancelled but never less she enjoyed the company beside her. It's been long since she experiences such friendship she doesn't even remember if she had any friends when she was young.

She yawns feeling sleepy and slowly closing her eyes. Yoonoh notices her as he gets up to grab a light cloak for her.

He would glance at haneul and think- where does her cheerfulness come from? Or how can she be smiling the whole day? He had know her for like weeks now and he never saw her shading a sad face.

Yoonoh life was simple back in the city; waking up early, going to school, hanging out with friends and meeting people there but here because of her he's living a complete opposite life it confuses him a lot making him even more curious about her.

" I wonder if those happy smiles are hiding something."


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