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Even though it was the end of but the weather here was being unusual making the day dark cloudy as it rains heavily than before. "Let's start cleaning." Said haneul, tied her hair starting to clean her study room cause a ton of books, need to keep in their respected places.

She takes the books and stacks them but something caught's her eye. "This is not mine-wait a minute, " she gaps, holding the book. "It's yoonoh's great he's so dead."

Haneul gazes at the watch still 8 I can do this- she takes the book-running to the door when she realized that her umbrella broke last month. "Whatever I'm going." she runs in the heavy rain probably knowing she's going to get sick.

Passing the streets she reached the bus stop searching for the boy. Where are you yoonoh?- she called him when she saw him.

Yoonoh turned around as his eyes widen "what are you doing--" she cuts him by handing him the book panting. "You forgot your work at my house."
He holds the book surprised. "You came all the way to give me this." He asked, with the girl nodding her head innocently.

Yoonoh was really stunned by her he was happy she did for him but he was more worried about her like in this heavy rain she came without an umbrella. "Ya, you shouldn't have come without an umbrella." He berated.

"I didn't want you to get in trouble." The girl mumbled with her head down.

Yoonoh sighed and smiled. "Alright, thank-you haneul. If you do that I will feel bad." He teased, which she smiled. "You better not forget at my house." He chuckled, nodding hai hai.

"Oh, the bus is here." They look at the bus that just arrived.

"Hey, you should take my umbrella going back," Yoonoh said, giving the umbrella to her. "It's alright I'm fine and I'm sure you need more than me." She looked at him giving him an ensuring eyes but the boy just stared at her with the unsure face.

"Now go the bus is waiting." She pushed the boy inside as he protested to give his umbrella. The door closed she waved him bye looking at the bus. "I better get going." She gazed at the dark sky her body shivers and she sneezed that's bad news.

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