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With Apparition lessons, regular classes, and exams coming up, Olivia was very busy for the next few months. So much so that it took a few weeks after news of Mr. Crouch's murder in the Dark Forest for her to have enough free time to attempt to find her grandfather to speak with him. When she reached the second floor, she found him coming out of the headmaster's office. As she approached him, his eyes widened.

"Olivia! What do you think you're doing roaming around the castle by yourself?" David said in a scolding manner.

"Looking for you," she answered honestly. "Besides, I'm a prefect. I'm supposed to roam the castle."

"You do realize someone's just been murdered on Hogwarts grounds?"

"Yes, I know. Mr. Crouch. That's actually what I want to talk to you about. That and everything else going on."

David sighed, knowing all too well that she wasn't going to let it go until he gave her some answers. "Fine. Let's take a walk. I've been wanting to speak with you about some things as well, but I'll let you talk first."

Olivia was surprised to hear this but decided it could wait. "My friends don't believe me. Or maybe they're just too scared to admit that they do. But I think something really bad is going on here, Grandpa, and I think it has something to do with Lord Voldemort."

Anyone else would've flinched at the name or scolded her for saying it, but in the Wood family, none of them were afraid to say it. "What was your first clue?"

"The Dark Mark and the Death Eaters at the World Cup, of course. And then Dumbledore hiring Moody to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts instead of an actual teacher. Then someone tricking the Goblet of Fire and getting Harry put into the Triwizard Tournament. Then you coming and staying here. And now Mr. Crouch being found dead in the Forest. It's obvious, really. We've got a traitor in our midst. Who is it?"

David hesitated for a moment. "We don't know. We've got a few ideas, but nothing for sure."

"Who are you thinking might have done it?"

"Alastor and I have got a few people in mind. Dumbledore disagrees with us. Very trusting man, he is. Too trusting, if you ask me." He stayed silent for a moment. When he spoke again, he had changed the subject. "Is that all you wanted to talk about?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Good. What's this I hear about you having a boyfriend?"

Olivia's breath caught in her throat. This is not what she had expected. "H-How did you know?"

"Your mother sent me an owl. Knowing her, she's gone and told anyone who'll listen. What's his name again?"

"George Weasley."

"Weasley, eh? Any connection to Arthur Weasley?"

"That's his dad."

"Ah. I've run into him a few times at work. Good man. I hope I'm right in assuming his son is the same." He looked to her for confirmation.

"Yeah. Yeah, he is."

"Good. Well, I trust you to do good by yourself, Olivia, but I just hope he's not going to distract you from what's most important right now: your-"

"My education. Yeah, I know. He's not, and he won't."

"You're studying for your exams, then?"

"Yes, Grandpa, I'm studying for my exams." She was starting to become a bit annoyed with him.

"I'm just making sure."

"Well, you don't have to. I'm not a little girl anymore, I'm nearly of age."

"I know that Olivia, but even once you turn 17, you'll still be living with your mother and by extension, me, for another year. Probably longer than that if you're anything like your brother."

Oliver had turned 18 over the summer but had not even brought up moving out of Catrina's house. Because of the purpose of the Village, once children became of age, they weren't necessarily expected to leave and find their own place but to build their own home within the protection of their land. Sarah, however, had been tired of living with her entire family and had left after graduating Hogwarts, and since there was no threat to the wizarding world at the time, no one could stop her.

David sighed again. "Come on, let's get you back to Gryffindor Tower."

He walked her back to Gryffindor Tower, made sure she got in okay, and then went on his own way. Olivia was tense as she sat down next to George.

"What happened?" he asked her, concerned over the not-so-happy look on her face. The others were the same as they watched her, waiting for her to say something.

"I was right," she said. "There is someone from the Dark side in our school. They're probably going after Harry. Grandpa said he and Moody have a few ideas of who it is but that Dumbledore disagrees with them."

"And that's why you're mad? Because you were right?" Alicia asked.

"No. I'm not mad."

"Well, you're certainly not jumping for joy," George pointed out.

Olivia sighed and looked down at her hands. "He made a stupid remark about Oliver. He thinks he's got a lack of ambition because he still lives at home with Mum. But he just graduated last year and he's been off playing for Puddlemere United since October. He's hardly home, so I don't see why it matters that he hasn't got his own place."

"Oliver? A lack of ambition?" Fred questioned. He scoffed. "Clearly, your grandfather has never seen him coach." The others let out murmurs of agreement, and Olivia grinned, glad that her friends agreed with her.

"He also asked about you," Olivia said, looking to George who's eyes widened. She laughed. "It wasn't anything bad. You don't have to be so scared."

"I've already got one of your family members out to get me so it wouldn't be much of a surprise if there was another," George said.

"Excuse you? Did I miss something?" Alicia asked.

Olivia and George exchanged a look.

[word count: 1021]
[written: 5/28/20]
[published: 6/22/20]

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