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Olivia had allowed herself to sleep in on Saturday as her friends had advised her, but as soon as she woke up around noon, she frantically got out of bed, wrote the letter to her mother and grandparents thanking them for the Firebolt, sent that off, and finished her Arithmancy, Herbology, and Transfiguration homework, which took the remainder of the day.

Sunday was when she returned to her usual schedule, getting up bright and early for breakfast. She had gotten all of her homework done, so she was able to spend the rest of the day enjoying the outdoors with her friends until Quidditch practice in the afternoon.

Having caught up on her sleep and experienced an enjoyable, stress-free day the day before, Olivia awoke Monday morning feeling content. With a slight smile on her face, she made her way down to the Great Hall after getting ready for the day, only to see something before entering that made her stop in her tracks, the smile vanishing in the blink of an eye. A new plaque had appeared on the wall next to the one announcing that Professor Umbridge had been made High Inquisitor. Before Olivia even read it, she knew this new announcement would contain nothing good.

All student organizations, societies, teams, groups, and clubs are henceforth disbanded.

An organization, society, team, group, or club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students.

Permission to reform may be sought from the High Inquisitor (Professor Umbridge).

No student organization, society, team, group, or club may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor.

Any student found to have formed, or to belong to, an organization, society, team, group, or club that has not been approved by the High Inquisitor will be expelled.

After reading this through, one word that stuck out to Olivia was 'team.' An almost overwhelming feeling of panic and anger surged through her as she realized this applied to Quidditch teams. At once, she spun on her heels, nearly running into Duncan as she began her stride in the opposite direction she had come.

"Woah - Liv?" said Duncan, wondering why in the world she was so determined to get somewhere that she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings. That was when he noticed the new plaque on the wall and after reading it through quickly, he understood immediately what was going on. "Uh oh."

Olivia was on the first floor when she met Fred, George, Lee, and Angelina all on their way down to breakfast.

"Finished with breakfast already?" George asked, surprised to see Olivia already leaving the Great Hall.

"No. I haven't eaten. I'm not hungry," Olivia answered rather fast.

"What's wrong? What's happened?" Angelina questioned, knowing that something must have happened to make Olivia lose her appetite.

"It's that miserable woman. She's disbanded everything and now we have to ask her for permission to reform the Gryffindor Quidditch team."

"What?" they all exclaimed in shock.

"She can't do that! Can she?" Lee said.

"When you kiss the arse of the Minister of Magic, you can do whatever you bloody well please," Olivia spat, hating Umbridge more and more by the second.

"She's found out about the defense group, that's why she's done it," Fred said. "I'd bet anything."

"I don't give a damn about the defense group right now, but she is not taking away my Quidditch team!" And with that, Olivia stormed off, continuing her journey to Umbridge's office.

"Is it just me or did her accent get thicker?" Lee asked as the four of them watched her walk away with looks of concern.

As she walked, Olivia tried her best to calm herself down, not wanting to give Umbridge a reason to deny her Quidditch privileges. By the time she reached the woman's office, she had successfully made her expression one that was calm.

"Come in," Umbridge called in a sweet voice when Olivia knocked on her closed office door. When she entered, Umbridge smiled at her. "Hello, dear. What can I do for you?"

"Hello, Professor. I just saw the new educational decree when I went down for breakfast," Olivia began, trying to ignore all of the pink décor and cats on plates, "and I noticed it said that all teams and such are disbanded and to come to you to reform them."

"Indeed. Am I correct in assuming you would like to reform the Gryffindor Quidditch team of which you are the Captain?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Umbridge seemed to consider it for a moment before giving what Olivia could tell was an insincere sigh of sadness. "Well, I'm afraid I'll have to take some time to think about it. Until I come to you with my decision, you and your teammates are not to participate in any practices or matches. Am I understood?"

"Yes, ma'am," Olivia said with a forced smile, trying her best to contain her anger.

Umbridge smiled, fully aware of the effect she was having on the girl and thoroughly enjoying it. "Good."

Shortly after that, Olivia was dismissed from Umbridge's office and on her way out, nearly ran into Draco Malfoy.

"Morning," she said stiffly. Draco did not respond but instead looked at her in disgust, grossed out by the fact that she dared to speak to him. Once he had entered Umbridge's office and Olivia was a good distance away, she muttered, "Brat."

[word count: 914]
[written: 7/4/20]
[published: 7/15/20]

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