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"So what about you, Liv?" Angelina asked Olivia as they and Alicia sat in a tea shop in Diagon Alley together. "How are things?"

"How's George?" Alicia asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Olivia laughed. "Things are good, George is good, everything is good," she said. "Except for, you know, the war... and the fact that I'm an adult still being treated like a child... and the fact that my mother's boyfriend died and she won't talk to anyone about it..."

"So... what things are going good exactly?"

"Well, I've finished my Mediwitch training and business is going well at the shop. And things seem to be running smoothly at Hogwarts."

"Haven't they only been back for like... two days?" Angelina questioned.

"I would like to think it is going to remain running smooth throughout the year."

"You know it won't, though," Alicia said. "Not with Harry still there."

"It's not his fault bad things keep happening."

"Maybe not, but you have to admit, the really crazy things only started happening once he started attending Hogwarts."

"Okay, so he attracts trouble. It probably comes with the 'orphaned because of Voldemort and then becoming famous because of it' territory."

"I really wish you wouldn't say the name," Angelina said.

"Why not? It's just a name. It's not like it's going to summon him or anything."

"You don't know that," Alicia said. "There's probably a reason no one says the name, you know."

"I do know that, because my family and I have been saying it for as long as I can remember and none of us have ever even seen Voldemort. Well, except for Faustus, but that's definitely not because he said the name."

"Wait, Faustus has seen You-Know-Who? When was this?"

"At the Ministry. He was with Harry."

"How come the rest of you didn't see him then?"

"We had already left. That's how we didn't see Sirius being killed either."

"I still can't believe that he was innocent the whole time," Angelina said. "And that your mum was dating him. It's mad."

"And sad," Alicia agreed. "Being imprisoned in Azkaban for twelve years for something you didn't do... and then having to be in hiding for another three years because the whole world thinks you're some dangerous murderer just for you to be murdered yourself and everyone only find out you were innocent after the fact."

"He definitely didn't deserve it, that's for sure," Olivia said.

"How's Faustus doing?" Angelina asked.

"Just fine, I guess. He's not the happiest of people, but I got a letter from him yesterday and he seems to be doing all right."

"Who's the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?" Alicia asked.

"Snape, actually."

"Snape?" Angelina and Alicia repeated, shock evident in their voices. A few people in the shop turned to look at them.

"That's what I said."

"Then who teaches Potions now?" Angelina asked.

"Some bloke named Slughorn. He taught my mum; he was Head of Slytherin back then. Apparently he has some club for his favorite students, or students who are famous or have powerful family members. He invited Faustus to be in it as soon as he learned what his surname was. Slughorn taught his parents too; liked them quite a lot from what he told me."

"Are he and that girl together yet?" Alicia asked.

"Slughorn or Faustus? And who do you mean by 'that girl'?"

"Don't be difficult, Olivia, I obviously meant Faustus. And I don't know her name, but he's always with her. Has been since they started at Hogwarts."


"Is Rosalia the blonde?"


"Then yes."

"Okay now what did you mean by 'together'? Because obviously they're physically together, they're both at Hogwarts-"

"Olivia Kate, quit it," Angelina said.

"Quit what? I'm just asking her to clarify."

"No, you're just being annoying. She meant if they're dating or not."

"Oh. I don't think so. I asked him once a few years ago and he said they were just friends. I like to think he would tell me if that has since changed."

"Do you think he would at least tell you if he fancied her?" Alicia asked.

"No, and I wouldn't expect him to. It's not like I told any of my family when I fancied George."

"So there's a possibility?"

"Anything's possible, Alicia."

"I think they should date. They'd be cute together. Ron and Hermione, too."

"Ron and Hermione fight all the time. Trust me, I spent a lot of time with them last summer and last Christmas. It gets old quick. I can only imagine how Harry feels."

"My mum and dad told me they used to fight all the time until they realized they really just fancied each other," Angelina said.

"George and I have never fought."

"That's because you and George aren't the type of people to fight with anyone unless you absolutely have to."

"Unless it's someone you're related to," Alicia said. "We've all seen how you and Oliver get along."

"And you and Ben."

"And you and Sarah."

"Okay, we get it, I have a terrible relationship with some of my family members!" Olivia said before they could name any more examples of her not getting along with her family.

"I'm just saying, I don't think anyone should be beating around the bush anymore," Alicia said. "If you fancy someone, just go for it, because you never know when a Death Eater is gonna swoop in and kill one of you."

"Well, that's a happy thought," Angelina muttered.

"It happens!"

"Yes, I know, Alicia, I read the Daily Prophet!"

[word count: 901]

[written: 8/31/20]
[published: ?]
kind of a boring chapter but hey, angelina and alicia are back!

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