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Faustus and Olivia had no trouble Apparating to the Burrow with their feet planted firmly on the ground, but they couldn't say the same for Evelyn. Immediately upon arriving in the Weasleys' front lawn, Olivia felt the girl's grip loosen on her arm as she nearly fell over. She quickly grabbed her and kept her standing upright, but immediately let go when the younger girl vomited.

"Sorry," Evelyn groaned, holding her stomach.

"That's all right," Olivia said, taking out her wand and clearing away the vomit so as to not leave it for the Weasleys. "Expected, actually. That usually happens after one's first time with Side-Along Apparition."

"Is there any other way to get back besides that?"

"No, sorry."

"Maybe I'll just move here then."

"Rather you than Phlegm," said Ginny, standing in the doorway.

"Ginny!" Molly said in a scolding tone. "How many times have I told you not to call her that?"

"Many times, Mum, and I've heard you every single time."

Molly gave her daughter a look before looking to the three standing outside. "Oh, dears, it's freezing out here! Come in, come in!" She and Ginny stood aside to allow them all to enter the home.

"Ah, looks like a rescue party wasn't needed after all," Fred said upon spotting Olivia.

"Ben left to spend time with his lady friend so I seized the opportunity," she informed him.

"Well, I'm glad you could make it," George said, kissing her forehead.

"Me too, love."

"I'll be right back, I've got to brush my teeth," Evelyn said to Ginny in a disgusted tone before heading upstairs to the bathroom.

"Just make sure you use your own toothbrush," Ginny told her.

"Since when does she have a toothbrush here?" Ron asked.

"Since two years ago."


"Same reason Harry has a toothbrush here."

"Speaking of Harry, where is he?" Faustus asked.

"In the sitting room with Bella talking to Dad, Lupin, and Tonks," Ron informed him.

"Malfoy again?"

"Yeah. They just won't let it go. Though, this time, it actually does sound like he's up to something."

"I believe it."

"Oh! Olivia, I've got something for you. Stay right here," Molly said before hurrying away.

Confused, Olivia looked to George. "What's she got for me?" she questioned.

"I guess you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?" he responded with a grin.

At Olivia's alarmed expression, Fred said, "Don't worry, it's nothing bad. Do you really think our mum would prank you?"

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