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Life had changed a lot for Olivia Wood since she graduated from Hogwarts two months prior.

Firstly, the Wizarding world had entered a second war, meaning that everyone was in danger all of the time. The Wood family in particular was taking this very seriously, not allowing any underage children to go in or out of the Village. Even the children that were of age, which included Olivia, were not allowed to go anywhere by themselves, which greatly frustrated them. Sarah had also been forced to move back home so that she could be under the protective spells of the Village rather than her apartment in London, and Oliver was to Apparate back home after Quidditch practices and matches rather than live in an apartment near the Quidditch stadium he played in like he usually did during the season.

Cornelius Fudge, the previous Minister of Magic, had been sacked due to the entire Wizarding community being angry with him for being so naïve for so long. David, Olivia's grandfather, had been considered for the job but turned it down, as he had no interest in being Minister and was perfectly comfortable with his current position as Head of the Auror Office. That meant the next person considered was Rufus Scrimgeour, also an Auror, and he accepted the job.

Ben and Olivia had finally been permitted to join the Order of the Phoenix.

Sirius's will had been found, and it showed that he had left everything, including 12 Grimmauld Place and the house-elf which resided there, to Faustus, his nephew and also the last Black left alive, and Harry, his godson. This had some complications, however, which involved Albus Dumbledore himself paying a visit to the Village to speak with Faustus about this and to confirm that everything had actually gone to him and not Bellatrix Lestrange, Sirius's oldest living relative and also his murderer. Thankfully, it had. It was said that Dumbledore had done this same thing with Harry before dropping him off at the Burrow, the home of the Weasleys.

Olivia's N.E.W.T. results had arrived by owl and led to Catrina throwing a last-minute celebration in their small house when it was discovered that Olivia had achieved an Outstanding grade in everything except Arithmancy, where she had gotten an Exceeds Expectations. It was during this celebration that Oliver told Olivia of an open mediwitch job for his Quidditch team, Puddlemere United.

Mediwizards and mediwitches were essentially Healers who worked in the fields of Wizarding events, whether it be Quidditch matches or something like the Triwizard Tournament. Every Quidditch team had their own mediwizards that were basically assigned to their team by St. Mungo's, and they would attend practices and matches; if a team member were to sustain an injury during the match or practice that would affect their gameplay, that's where the mediwizard would come in. Each team had two mediwizards, and those two would alternate weeks so that one wouldn't have to attend every single practice throughout the season. Both mediwizards would attend every match, though.

Recently, one of Puddlemere United's mediwizards had left them in pursuit of a more stationary Healing position, leaving the team in need of another mediwizard, or in Olivia's case, mediwitch. Of course, though, she would need to go through training first.

"So, you're nearly done with training," said Cordelia, a French witch only two years older than Olivia and also the other mediwitch for Puddlemere United who was supervising Olivia and played a huge part in her training. "How do you feel?"

"Excited," Olivia said. "I'll be glad when it's over."

"Yes, it is a bit tedious. I will miss working with you, though."

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