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Exams finished on the 24th of June, the same day as the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament and Faustus's 16th birthday. Olivia was glad to be done with them; even though she always got O's or E's (and the occasional A in Potions), she was always extremely stressed before and during exams. She and her friends left the greenhouses with smiles on their faces and headed to the Great Hall for lunch.

To Fred and George's surprise, Mrs. Weasley and their oldest brother Bill were sitting beside Harry. Apparently, they had come to watch him in the third task.

"All right, Harry?" Olivia asked as she sat down beside George at the Gryffindor table.

"Yeah," Harry replied. Olivia was pleased to see that there was a smile on his face. "I'm good. Better than usual, actually."

Olivia smiled. "I'm glad to hear it. Just keep that spirit. You'll do great today."

"Again with the understatements, Liv," George said, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

"He's going to win!" Fred cheered.

About halfway through lunch, after Molly had pointed out that all of her present children except for Ginny were overdue for haircuts, Olivia felt someone sit down next to her.

"Second favorite niece," Jade greeted her. Olivia turned to her and saw the woman's brown eyes twinkling and her black lipstick-covered lips curled into a mischievous grin she wore often.

"Second favorite?" Olivia questioned.

"You would have been my favorite had you been Sorted into Ravenclaw," Jade teased.

Olivia gave her aunt a look. "You shouldn't be picking favorites."

"Oh, you're just bitter."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm an Auror, I should've been here a long time ago."

"Wait, so then-" Olivia looked around the Great Hall for her other Auror family members. At the staff table next to Professor Moody as usual was her grandpa David; her uncle Henry was sitting between Ben and Fraser a ways away from herself at the Gryffindor table with Duncan standing behind them, engaged in conversation. She looked back at Jade, confused and concerned. She lowered her voice. "Is Dumbledore really that concerned that something bad is going to happen that he's summoned two more Aurors to observe the task?"

"Oh, no. We just wanted to watch and our careers were the perfect excuse. Don't go telling everyone that, though. Henry would like to keep the façade intact that he is here on important business. But that wasn't the only reason I wanted to come visit Hogwarts." Her grin grew as she looked past Olivia to Fred and George. "Which one of you is George?"

Olivia snorted when she saw that the twins immediately pointed at each other.

The rest of the Weasley siblings pointed at George and said, "That one."

George turned to his siblings. "What the hell, you guys?" he said.

"George!" Molly exclaimed.

"Oh - sorry, Mum."

Olivia laughed, shaking her head at her boyfriend.

Jade continued to stare at the twins with that same grin that can become unnerving after a while. She seemed to be trying to burn their faces into her mind. Finally, she said, "I think I've got it."

"Got what exactly?" they asked nervously.

"The difference. I've got to give it you, though, you are almost exact copies of each other. Well done."

"Well, no, he is almost an exact copy of me," Fred corrected, motioning to George. "I am the original. I was born first."

"Yet I am still the better looking one," George retorted.

"Your taste is... questionable," Jade said to Olivia. Then, pushing herself up from the table: "Now, I've had enough of Gryffindor House for one day. Where is my favorite niece?" And she walked off to sit next to Evelyn at the Ravenclaw table.

"I know I've already asked this before, but is she gonna kill me?" George asked.

"Probably not," Olivia answered with a straight face. When she saw George's eyes widen in fear, she laughed and added, "I'm kidding! No, she's not going to kill you. You probably should watch your back, though."

"What did you two do to that poor woman?" Molly asked Fred and George, knowing they must have done something to make Jade put a target on George's back.

Fred put his hands up. "I wasn't involved this time, I swear," he said. Molly gave him a disbelieving look.

"As unusual as it sounds," Angelina interjected, "he actually wasn't, Mrs. Weasley. It was all those two." She motioned to Olivia and George.

Molly gave her a kind smile. "Who are you, dear?" she asked.

"Oh, I'm Angelina, ma'am. I'm, uh..." She looked at Fred, unsure if she should proceed.

Arabella made the decision for her. "Fred's girlfriend," she said, finishing Angelina's sentence.

"Ooh," Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, and Arabella chorused, causing both Fred and Angelina to turn red.

"G-Girlfriend?" Molly stammered

"She's not the only one dating a Weasley, either," Ginny said. "George, aren't you going to introduce Olivia?"

Olivia had been taking a sip of her drink when Ginny said this and nearly choked on it. She quickly regained her composure so she wouldn't look like a buffoon in front of her boyfriend's mother.

"Mum," George said, "this is Liv."

"Hi," Olivia said with an awkward laugh, not knowing what else to say because she had never been in that position before.

"Way to not make it awkward," Fred said.

"It's not our fault," George defended. He motioned to his sisters. "They started it!"

"Might as well continue then, huh?" Arabella said. And she went on to expose Ginny's new and previously private relationship with Michael Corner to their mother.

"You two reconsidering your dating choices yet?" Alicia asked Angelina and Olivia as the Weasleys continued to bicker.

"Um, excuse you," George said.

"We are right here," Fred said.

"Hm. My bad," Alicia said in a flat tone with a straight face.

[word count: 994]
[written: 5/31/20]
[published: 6/24/20]

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