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Olivia did not go to breakfast the following morning; she stayed shut up in the dormitory as the events of the previous day replayed over and over in her head. One thought that kept coming to her was if she had only been paying attention to George and Harry instead of chatting with Faustus, she could've stopped them and no one would have gotten banned from Quidditch.

On top of that, she was worried over having to find replacements for them and Fred, and then having to train them to make them the best players they could be so they didn't epically lose the rest of the season. They had been so close to losing the first match, and they probably would have if Harry hadn't caught the Snitch before Slytherin could get too far ahead. Would the new Seeker be able to pull something like that off if needed? Olivia certainly hoped so, but Harry was practically a prodigy, and those were not very common.

Another thing that almost made her sick to her stomach was her family. As far as she knew, none of them had had such a colossal screw-up happen while they were Captain or even on their House teams. What would they have to say to her when they found out that something that detrimental to the team had happened under her watch?

And what would they have to say about George when they found out that he had attacked a fellow student two on one? Her mother would probably not care too much, but her more strict family members, her grandfather for instance, would definitely feel the need to give his input on the matter and she had a feeling it would not be in George's favor. Olivia cared very much for George and while she knew, and he probably had realized too by now, that what he had done was wrong, there were few others who would have not done the exact same thing if placed in that situation. And while what anyone had to say would not change her feelings towards her boyfriend or affect their relationship, she certainly did not like the idea of anyone having anything negative to say about him.

After breakfast had concluded, Angelina and Alicia came back up to the dormitory to find Olivia still sulking in bed. They both sat down on her bed and they all had a long talk. Angelina and Alicia listened to Olivia's concerns and offered reassuring words to each of them: it was not her fault that Harry and George did what they did, they would help her find suitable replacements for all three boys, and her family did not have to know about what had happened unless she decided to tell them. Of course, they didn't know that Olivia's family and the twins' parents were all in the Order of the Phoenix together and made some sort of contact on an almost daily basis, but then again, Arthur and Molly did not seem like the type to brag about their sons being banned from the Quidditch team for life.

After this discussion, Olivia felt a little better; good enough to get out of bed, get dressed, and talk to her boyfriend, who was apparently very worried about her. Upon entering the common room, Angelina and Alicia separated from her in order to give her and George some privacy as she approached him, as he sat with Lee and Fred talking in low voices. When she sat down across from them, the other two boys took that as their cue to leave.

"Hey," he greeted her almost warily, unsure if she was still upset or not.

"Hey," she responded with a sigh.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. But I should be asking you that, not the other way around, and it should've been yesterday and I'm sorry it wasn't."

"You don't have to apologize. I should be the one apologizing to you. I let my anger get the best of me and that's my fault."

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