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It seemed that every day something new was happening at Hogwarts; Faustus never failed to have something to talk about in a letter. The most recent developments were the cursing of a student named Katie Bell, Arabella and Draco breaking up again (relieving Fred and George greatly), and Gryffindor absolutely steamrolling Slytherin in the first match of the season thanks to Ron, who had saved every single goal (Olivia couldn't help but feel proud).

Olivia, Fred, and George had decorated the shop and the flat for the Christmas holidays, and Olivia would be lying if she said it wasn't the most fun she'd ever had while decorating for the holiday, even though George took the opportunity to tease her about her height while she attempted to put the topper on the tree.

"Stop it! I'm not even short," she said to him.

"What gives you that idea?" he asked.

"I'm 5'7!"

"Yeah, 5'7 compared to my 6'3."

"Just accept it, Liv," Fred said. "You're a midget."

"Am not!"

"Are so," the twins said together.

"Well, if you're so tall, why don't you help me put this damn topper on the tree then?"

George shrugged and said, "If you insist." He wrapped his arms around her middle and lifted her up just high enough so that she could easily put the topper on the tree and then gently set her back down on her feet.

Olivia looked up at him, trying to be annoyed but failing to keep the grin from creeping onto her face. "You're lucky I love you," she said.

Just then, the bell down in the shop rang, announcing someone's arrival. "Anyone home?" Lee called.

The three up in the flat exchanged grins before Apparating to the entrance of the shop, startling their three friends nearly half to death.

"Must you do that every time?" Angelina asked, annoyed.

"Are you seriously going to tell us what we can and can't do in our own shop?" Fred asked jokingly.

Angelina huffed in frustration, clearly trying to suppress her own smile. "Fair point, Weasley."

While Fred and Angelina had decided long ago that they were better off as friends and had insisted that there were no hard feelings whatsoever, the other four had feared that the next time they all spent time together, things would be awkward. It seemed, however, that they were wrong; it was quite like they were back in Hogwarts again.

"I brought pie!" Alicia said excitedly.

"Yes!" said George, Olivia, and Fred, leading the way up to the flat.

"So," Lee began as they all sat on the floor of the living room eating the pie Alicia had brought, "anything new with you guys?"

"No," Alicia said bitterly, "I'm still broke, my parents are still annoying, and there's still a war going on."

"Story of my life," Angelina sighed. "I've got Quidditch, though, so that's one good thing. Say, Liv, you should've become a mediwitch for my team."

"To be fair, Ange, I got my job before you got yours," Olivia pointed out. "Also, they don't really give us a choice on which team we work for, I just so happened to apply at the same time they needed one for Puddlemere United."

"And she would've never met Delia," George added. "Merlin knows she'd go mad without her."

"That's true."

"Okay, this Delia girl sounds great and all, but just remember, Liv, we have seniority," Alicia said, pointing with her fork at herself and the others. "Seven years strong."

"I would never forget you guys. Not that you would let me."

"That's right."

"Did you tell them about Delia's sister and Ben?" Fred asked Olivia.

"Delia's got a sister?" Angelina asked.

"What about Ben?" Alicia asked.

"I'll take that as a no," Fred said.

"Delia's sister - Adeline's her name - was the girl Ben dated during the tournament," Olivia explained. "When I stayed the night at Delia's, we got to talking about the tournament and it came up that Adeline lives in London now, so I told Ben and Delia told Adeline and now they're back together."

"Oh, wow," Lee said. "Ben never really struck me as the dating type."

"Yeah, trust me, no one did. This came as a shock to the whole family. Fraser and Duncan are having a field day with it now they're back home for the holidays."

"I bet Ben just loves that," Angelina said sarcastically.

"Most definitely. Though, he is actually a bit more tolerable to be around now that he's got a girlfriend, which is funny because that usually seems to have the opposite effect on a person, but you won't catch me complaining."

For the next few hours, the group of six caught each other up on what was going on in their lives, joked around, and reminisced about their Hogwarts days while also being grateful that they were out. The sun was going down before Alicia, Lee, and Angelina finally left, leaving the other three alone again.

"I should probably be going now, too," Olivia sighed. "The family wants me home tonight, seeing as its Christmas Eve and all."

"Well, we're spending the night at home too," Fred told her.

"You should stop by tomorrow," George said. "Experience a Weasley Christmas."

"Away from Headquarters."

"I will try my best," Olivia told them honestly, "but if I don't show up, they're holding me hostage."

"We'll be sure to send a rescue party," George said with grin.

"I would appreciate that."

[word count: 907]
[written: 9/11/20]
[published: 9/11/20]

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