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Olivia woke the next morning feeling as if she hadn't gotten enough sleep. This was probably because she hadn't fallen asleep until the wee hours of the morning as she struggled to fall asleep in new places. Knowing she wouldn't be able to fall back asleep now that she was awake, she decided to get up.

She made sure to get dressed and ready for the day as quietly as possible so as not to wake Evelyn and Scarlett, who were still sleeping peacefully. Upon walking out into the corridor, the silence of the house told her that most if not all of the others were still asleep as well. She decided to go down to the kitchen for some tea to help wake her up.

She entered the kitchen to find it empty. She moved to the cupboards and began to look through them. She found a cup fairly quickly, but she was still searching for the tea itself when the door to the kitchen opened.

"Oh! Good morning, Olivia," Molly said. "I didn't expect anyone to be up this early."

"What can I say, I'm a morning person," Olivia said, shrugging. "I just can't seem to find the tea."

"Oh, it's right over here." Molly moved to the very last cupboard and opened it, taking out a teabag. "Your grandmother and I just had it all replaced. The stuff that was in here before had long expired."

"Thank you so much." Olivia began to make her tea, but then turned once again to the woman. "What time is it? I forgot to check the time before I came down here."

"Oh, about seven thirty. Honestly, we should not be the only ones awake. I'll start on the breakfast, that'll get everyone up. You just sit and enjoy your tea while you can, because once everyone is fed, we'll start cleaning this house."

Olivia sat down at the table and drank her tea. Because of the size of the meal Molly was preparing, Olivia finished her tea before breakfast was done, and took it upon herself to get everyone awake, starting with her dear boyfriend and his twin brother.

"George," Olivia spoke in a soft tone, sitting down on his bed and gently running her fingers through his bright red hair. "Come on, love, you've got to get up."

"But it's so early," George groaned, his voice raspy. His eyes remained closed.

"I know, but your mum is fixing breakfast already, and you don't want to miss that, do you?"

George finally opened his eyes slightly and turned to face her. He grinned at the sight of her. "Well, if I had to wake up to anyone, I'm glad it's you. We should do this more often. Preferably later on in the day."

Olivia giggled. "Sure thing."

They looked over at Fred, who had remained sound asleep throughout their entire conversation. "I suppose we should wake him up then?"

"Unless you would like to leave it to your mother..."

He seemed to consider it for a moment but then shook his head. "No. I can't do my own twin like that. That's just evil, and I am not Bella."

"Did you just call your little sister evil?"

"Is there a more accurate word for her?"

"Well, I think she's quite sweet."

"That's because you didn't grow up with her." He looked back over at Fred. "Oi! Fred!" No response from him. "Well, I tried to go about this peacefully, but you've forced me to resort to extraordinary measures." He grabbed his pillow from underneath his head and chucked it at his twin, whacking him in the face.

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