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Just mere moments after Olivia and the others took their assigned seats, Fleur and her father entered the marquee and began to walk down the aisle. Arabella, Ginny, and Gabrielle, the bridesmaids, walked behind them. Whether it was the joy of the occasion or Fleur's Veela heritage, or maybe a combination of both, Olivia couldn't tell, but Fleur was practically glowing with beauty, smiling ear to ear as she made her way down the aisle towards her soon-to-be husband. The effect seemed to be rubbing off on her three bridesmaids, who looked as pretty as ever in their matching dresses.

As the procession got closer to the front of the marquee, Olivia's eyes fell on the officiant, and she immediately recognized him as the same wizard that had presided over Dumbledore's funeral.

"I could've worn that dress after all," she whispered to George.

He was only able to give her a look before Angelina shushed her, which resulted in Olivia turning in her seat to face her friend before sticking her tongue out at her childishly and then turning back around.

Once everyone was in their proper places, with Charlie behind Bill as his best man and the bridesmaids behind Fleur, the ceremony began. Of course, Muriel just had to make a comment, whispering about how Arabella's and Ginny's dresses were too low cut.

It didn't take long for the mothers of both the bride and the groom to begin to sob, and even Arabella and Hagrid were crying, the latter very loudly.

"Either I'm an emotionless rock or these people are really emotional," Olivia said in a low voice. "I mean, really, they're getting married, not being sacrificed!"

Soon enough, Bill and Fleur were pronounced husband and wife and the guests were instructed to stand up. With a wave of the officiant's wand, the chairs they were just sitting in rose into the air and were replaced by a dance floor and tables, with a portion of the chairs floating back down around the tables.

"Smooth," Ron said, voicing everyone's thoughts.

After congratulating Bill and Fleur, Olivia and her friends all found a table to sit at, and Alicia grinned as she eyed George and Olivia.

"You're next," she said.

The couple's eyes widened as they exchanged a look due to their friend's tone.

"Pardon?" George asked her.

"She means you're next to get married," Angelina clarified. "Gosh, Licia, you couldn't have used a less sinister tone?"

"Sorry," Alicia apologized. "Better get to planning, though, you two."

"Right," said Olivia and George together. They turned to look at each other and seemed to be having a silent conversation.

"You don't sound very enthusiastic," Angelina said. "Don't you want to get married?"

"Of course we do," Olivia said.

"I wouldn't have asked her to marry me if I didn't actually plan on marrying her," George pointed out. "It's just the whole planning thing we're dreading."

"You could get eloped," Alicia suggested. "There's hardly any planning involved. You just do it."

"You're joking. And spare our families from obsessing over another wedding? Right."

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