Zuko x Reader (part 1)

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Basically takes place before Zuko lost his honor 👁️👄🔥

Your POV:
"Hya! Ha! Hyyaaa!!" I panted as I aimed fire at my boyfriend, Prince Zuko. We had been training for the past hour working on technique and strategy against eachother. "You've gotten better at dodging my attacks Zuko"

"Well if it wasn't for all the training we've been doing I'm sure I wouldn't be, so I guess I kinda have to thank you for that," he smiled at me while also panting.

As I was smiling back at him I had noticed that the sun had started to go down. I'd guess it was around 5 o'clock about now, meaning I have to get back home. "Looks like I got to go. I'll see you tomorrow, my prince," I said to Zuko as I walked up to him.

"Seems like it, my princess," Zuko said also walking up to me and putting his arms around my waist, and I put my arms around his neck leaning in for a kiss.

As we pulled away we held eachother for awhile longer just embracing eachothers warmth. "Ms Y/N? Your parents are here to pick you up," a guard said.

"Ok, I'll be right there!" I exclaimed back to them. Zuko and I finally let eachother go. "Bye pretty boy" I giggled and before he had a chance to respond I grabbed my things and left.

~time skip to next day~

Zuko POV

*Knock knock*
"Zuzu wake up! It's almost 8 and we have school work to do!" I groaned as I heard my little sister, Azula, yell from the other side of the door.

"Yea just give me awhile to get ready!" I said. I walked towards my bathroom to take a shower, thinking about what's supposed to happen today realizing there is a war meeting that I plan to sneak into.

As I get done with my shower I put my best clothes on and head towards the war room. When I turn the corner to head inside the room two gaurds stopped me.

"Hey! Do you know who I am? Let me in this instant!"

"Prince Zuko, you know only Generals and your father are allowed in there, plus it's a bunch of old people who are talking about boring stuff" my Uncle Iroh says.

"I know but I want to know! As the heir to the thrown I have a right to know, so that when I become Fire Lord I'll be the best!" I explained to him.

"Hmm. Very well follow me inside" I smile one of the biggest smiles before following Uncle inside. Sitting next to my uncle I listened intently to what they were saying.

"I believe if we took our rookie recruits and use them as a distraction in the front the other more skilled troops will be able to come from the sides and back where it will be an easy take down!" One general had said. (I don't know the name of this general😅)

"What?! No, we'll be losing a lot of good men if we do this!" I yelled.

"Prince Zuko!" I flinched as I heard my father's voice yell my name. I turned around to face him. "Step out of this room!"

Although angered by this I followed what he said but as I was leaving I heard the idiotic general say, "leave like the filthy mutt you are"

That was the last straw for me. "Since you have so much to say general face me to an Agni Kai!" Everyone in the room gasped.

"Very well. An Agni Kai shall be set in three hours and it shall be settled then" My father said. With a nod of my head I agreed and left, still angry and needing to blow off some steam.

Your POV

As I walked through the palace looking for my boyfriend I saw him walking towards the yard.

"Hey Zuko wait up!" I jogged towards him now noticing his angry expression. "Hey what's wrong?"

"These stupid generals and their stupid strategies! They would rather lose soldiers then come up with a better plan to loose less!" Zuko said.

Woah didn't see this coming.

"Now I have to face one of them in an Agni Kai. But I'm not worried I know I'll be able to win!"

"That's good to hear!" I smiled. "When will it be?"

"In three hours so that mean I have time to train!"

"Sweet and I'll be right there to cheer you on." Him and I smile at eachother not worried about the Agni Kai at all.

"All right then. Shall we train my lady?" He asked as he reached his hand out.

"We shall" I grabbed his hand.

~time skip~~three hours later~

He was ready for this. No doubt about it. We walked towards the arena but before entering going our separate ways.

I sat next to his Uncle Iroh, his sister Azula, and other generals who were waiting for it to begin.

"He's ready, yes?" Iroh said to me as we waited anxiously.

"Yes, absolutely, he is determined to win no matter what" I told him.

He nodded his head. Then zuko walked out in Agni Kai apparel. Then it started he turned around to face his opponent.

And in an instant the entire arena gasped at the same time as we saw Fire Lord Ozai in his Agni Kai apparel. I turned my eyes to look back at Zuko and his eyes were filled with so much fear.

"Father! What is this?"

"For showing disrespect in MY presence. Towards one of my best generals! And now you have lost your honor"

"..I'm so sorry father! Please forgive me!" Zuko went on his knees and begged.

Fire Lord Ozai showed no mercy and burned his own son. I started to tear up and I felt myself stand up from my seat and as I was about to run towards Zuko I felt hand on me, holding me back.

"Wait" Iroh said to me.


"I know it is hurting seeing you watch this. I am feeling it too but Zuko doesn't need us protecting him right now," I stared at him in disbelief.

"How could you say that!" He stayed silent. Finally Zuko stopped screaming and Iroh let go of me. I ran to him and help him to the infirmary. Iroh followed me, helping me carry Zuko.

When we got to the infirmary we put Zuko down on a bed and he finally found the words to speak after being in shock.

"Get away from me!!" I stepped back startled but went back to being at his side. "I said get away from me! I don't want you here, leave!"I was about to speak when Iroh said something.

"Y/N I think you should go, come back tomorrow when he is ready" I nodded my head with tears still leaving eyes reluctantly leaving.

~time skip to tomorrow~

I woke up and got ready quickly so that I could go see Zuko. Before I walked through my bedroom door I noticed a note on my desk.

"That is strange who left this here?" I opened the note and saw that it was from Zuko.

"Dear Y/N,
I'm gone. I left to look for the Avatar and restore my honor. Till then I am not welcomed back to the fire nation. Please forgive me as I didn't have the courage to tell you in person but I promise you that when I come back we will be happy again and I will never leave but for now that isn't the case. Goodbye, I love you.
-Your Prince Zuko"

"Why...why now? Please be okay Zuko I love you" teardrops fell on the paper, and that was the last I heard of him.

Hope y'all enjoyed!!
👁️👄👁️ See you next time.

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