Zuko x Reader (part 2)

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Part two of the Zuko x reader story. Three years after Zuko's 👁️👄🔥 banishment.

Your POV:
It's been three years since I've last seen or heard from Zuko. Shortly after Zuko left I did too. I decided I wanted to travel the world outside of the Fire Nation. So I've been settled in Kyoshi Island for the past nine months.

While here I've had to hide the fact that Im a bender and from the Fire Nation. It has been surprisingly easy though, I have even made friends with the Kyoshi Worriors.

Although I do feel slightly guilty for lying to them I know that if I tell them the truth they'll despise me. That's why I'm telling Suki, the leader of the Kyoshi Worriors, that I'll be leaving the Island tomorrow. The guilt of the lying has become too much.

When I made it to the training grounds for the Kyoshi Worriors I saw them all sparring eachother. They are all hard workers which I admire about them all. "Hey (Y/N)!" I look to my right and see Suki running towards me seemingly about to give me a hug.

I open my arms for her to land in but almost loss my footing as she slams into me. "Woah there Suki! We almost fell over," her and I giggle at that. I let her out of my arms as the rest of the Kyoshi Worriors gather around us, wanting to know what the commotion was about.

"Haha, sorry (Y/N). What's up? You don't usually come see us during training. Did something happen?" She says to me. I scratch the back of my head a bit and give of a slightly sad expression.

"Actually, I wanted to tell you guys that I'll be leaving the Island tomorrow evening." I tell her, and the rest of the girls. They all have a sad smile as they all start to tear up. "But please don't cry!" I wave my hands in front of them frantically.

"Well why not? We're going to miss you!" Nina said, she is the youngest of the worriors. I walk up to her and give her my biggest smile and hug her. The rest of the girls started getting in on the hug.

"Hey this isn't goodbye! We'll see eachother again, I don't know when but we will. You all showed great kindness and hospitality while I was here." We all pulled away from the hug but I had a hand on the shoulders of Nina and Suki, who seemed to be taking it the hardest.

Just then we heard the Unagi roar. We see that there are people near the sea and we all go to investigate. The Kyoshi Worriors hide in the trees while I hide behind a bush. When the three people gather around that's when we ambushed them, obscuring their vision and tying them up to Avatar Kyoshi's statue.

When they finally calm down Suki takes the bags of their heads. As I stood next to Suki I take in what the trespassers are wearing. A boy and girl in water tribe apparel and another boy in weird yellow and orange clothes.

I finally realize that they were talking. "This is Kyoshi Island! I know Kyoshi!" The bald boy says.

"That's impossible! Avatar Kyoshi was born on this island 430 years ago! No way you could've met her!" The chief of the island says. I look behind me and notice that the entire island was gathered around. Oh wow I should pay more attention. "Seize them!"

"Wait I know Kyoshi because I'm the Avatar!" My eyes widen finally the pieces were coming together. The bald head and arrow tattoos? Weird clothing that seem to not be from any other nation? But that couldn't be possible, could it?

Then he airbends out of the ropes and lands on Kyoshi's head. The whole Island gasps and start saying "the Avatar has returned!" And almost like a disease the word spreads.

While everyone is busy celebrating the Avatars arrival I quickly make my way back to the house that I was sharing with Suki. I rush to put my clothes in my luggage bag. If the Avatar was here I don't doubt Zuko will be far behind. And although I still love him even after three years I just couldn't face him, not yet.

But my leave did not go unnoticed. Suki walked into my room, "hey what are you doing I thought you weren't leaving till tomorrow?" I quickly straighten myself up and have my hand behind my back almost like a soldier.

"Oh I was just doing some early packing so that I have everything ready for tomorrow." I give her my best fake smile but I feel the sweat roll down my face. I was nervous, I don't know why though this isn't the first time I've lied to her.

"Oh ok. I just came to tell you that we'll be having a feast for the Avatar's return, but I also wanted to have a feast for your last night here." My nervousness was quickly replaced with sadness and my shoulders slumped at the thought.

"Well I'm sure I'll just bring down the mood on such a marvelous day."

"Nonsense! I already talked to the Avatar and he said it would be alright, he wants to meet you too! Apparently the other Kyoshi Warriors have been gossiping about you to them."

"By the other Kyoshi Worriors you mean you and Nina right?" Suki shyly shakes her head. "*Sigh* Fine let's go, it'll be nice to spend the rest of my time here with you guys." Suki gives me a big smile and grabs my hand dragging me to the dining room.

~~time skip bc I'm lazzyyy~~

After feasting the Kyoshi Worriors took me back to the training grounds where we all sort of goofed around with eachother and Suki tried to teach me some fighting techniques in case I find myself in some trouble. Though I don't think I'll be needing it it was very kind of her.

Then two Worriors come in with the water tribe boy from earlier, I think his name was Sokka. He explained to us how he wanted to be taught in fighting like the girls were. It took Suki some convincing but she decided to teach him only if he wore the outfit and makeup that came along with it. He gladly accepted her offer which surprised all of us.

While they were training I heard screaming coming from the village. All of us quickly rushed to see what the cause of it was. When we got to the village we saw all of it on fire and Fire Nation soldiers burning anyone who got in their way.

Everyone started fending them off with the help of the Avatar and Katara. Then as I had suspected I saw him, though his hair was different and the scar that covered his left eye it was undoubtedly Zuko.

I tried to hide myself away from his line of sight while also fighting the soldiers, only using hand to hand combat. But that plan quickly failed as I was pushed right in front of Zuko, stopping his battle with Aang. Aang helped me up and thats when Zuko got a clear look at my face.

"Y/N? What are you doing here? Your supposed to be back in the Fire Nation." I stood straight while he was talking. Apparently his dialogue didn't go unnoticed by the people around us. Suki knocked out the guy she was fighting and slowly walked towards us.

"Y/N, what is he talking about? What does he mean your supposed to be in the Fire Nation?" She questions me.

"Well, I guess the gig is up. Suki I lied to you. I'm not Earth Nation nor am I a non bender like you. I'm a fire bender, born and raised Fire Nation." I slowly walk towards Zuko and bow to him, then look back at Suki. "And this is my ex-boyfriend Prince Zuko."

"So these past nine months, the relationship that we built, was based off of lies? Did it even mean anything to you?" The hurt in her voice was clear. Tears were seen on her eyes and on the rest of the Kyoshi Worriors.

"No," lies, "they meant absolutely nothing to me," I tell her. My face held a blank face but saying it made my heart hurt a bit. Of course they meant something to me, they were my first real friends after leaving.

Zuko grabbed my hand, "Come on, let's go. The Avatar left while you were talking," I nod my head and followed him to his ship. After we left the dock I turned around to look at the island but quickly turned back around.

I felt arms wrap around me and realize it was Zuko. I hugged him back but then he unexpectedly kisses me. Before I could kiss back he says, "I'm never leaving you again, I promise." I smile at him then pull him back into another kiss. At least I'm back with him.

Ok y'all that's it for this one but it didn't really have that much Zuko sorry about that.
Anyway my brain came back and I'm working on some other stories for yalllll.
Also remember you can always leave requests and I'll try to make them😝
But yeaa goodbyeeeee

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