Ty Lee x Reader

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Your POV

I've been at the Boiling Rock for a couple months and a few days ago there was an escape by some Water Tribe soldiers where apparently Princess Azula's friends betrayed her and are now facing time here.

I'm currently on my way to the courtyard when I bump into someone, "hey, watch where you're going."

"Why don't you watch it?" I take a look at the person and realized it's a girl with long black hair and bangs.

"You're Princess Azula's friend right? The ones that betrayed her, gotta admit that was pretty bold of you and also pretty stupid"

"Who are you calling stupid, and we're not really friends with her now are we?" I look to the left to see a shorter girl with brown hair that was just talking. She's kinda cute.

"Well it doesn't really matter now everyone here is facing life, all we can do now is wither away in this dump. I'm Y/N by the way, you two try to stay outta trouble" I start walking away back to the courtyard.

"I'm Ty Lee! And this is Mai!" I simply throw them a wave as I continue to leave.

~~time skip~the next day~~

"What do you think of the new prisoners?" My friend Aoi ask me. Right now is free hour and we're passing time by sitting and talking.

"What you mean the traitors? They're ok I guess. That Ty Lee girl is cute though and Mai looks like she doesn't talk much."

"Oh~ does Y/N have a crush?" She pushes up against my side and wiggles her fingers in my face.

"Keep on doing that and I'll cut off your fingers and feed them to you," she quickly stops and rushes ten feet away from me.

"I don't know if you're joking or not, isn't that the whole reason you're here in the first place? For doing that to 3 high rank generals?"

"They were annoying and thought they could dine and dash, it taught them a lesson. And guess what? They never did it again."

"Wow that's brutal, glad I wasn't one of them" I turn behind me to find Ty Lee and Mai. Ty Lee looking peppy as ever and Mai looking like she's done with everything.

"Hello ladies, this is my friend Aoi." I gesture towards her as she just does a small peace sign. Ty Lee introduce the both of them to Aoi before turning towards me.

"I was hoping to talk to you today in private." Private? This is weird. Usually when someone wants to do that it's to jump you, but I'll trust her.

"Ok sure meet me by the storage closet during cleaning time," she nods then walks away with Mai.

"That's weird, any idea about what she wants to talk about?" Aoi walks up next to me and places her elbow on my shoulder. I simply shake my head.

~~time skip~ cleaning hours~~

I'm currently waiting for Ty Lee by the storage closet, watching out for guards.

I see Ty Lee turn the corner, "Hey, sorry if you waited long."

"Not at all. What did you want to talk about?"

"Uhm- well," she starts to mumble some words and fidgeting with her hands. "Well I just wanted to say that you're really attractive and I might have a crush on you and I just wanted you tell you so....yeah" she continues to fidget nervously waiting for my response.

"Well it's a good thing I like you too, you're also good looking yourself" her face reddens and she looks down as if the floor is more entertaining.

Wanting her to focus on me I grab her hand in mine and use my other to, gently, push her chin up to look me in my eyes. I kiss her forehead then move towards her ear and whisper, "meet me here tomorrow, same time, maybe we can plan a somewhat decent date while in here." I step away from here then leave the hallway leaving a flustered Ty Lee.


That's it, I actually kinda like this one😃
Also y'all deadass got me to 25k reads which is kinda like wow omg thank you all😩
Also this was double update cause ik people don't like Ozai so I also gave y'all Ty Lee.
Hope y'all liked it and have a good day/night.
And thank y'all for being patient with me while I was on my unspoken haitus 😓

Mai (part 2)🔪
Toph 🪨
Zuko 🔥
Katara 🌊
Azula 🔥

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