Azula x Reader

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Y/N feels sad for Azula and decides to help her during her breakdown. Reader is a fire bender.

Your POV
The day finally arrived where Aang would have to defeat the Firelord, Sozin's comet would allow fire benders to hold immense power as it flew by. I was with Katara and Zuko on our way to defeat Azula.

When we got to the palace we see Azula about to be crowned Fire Lord. But something seems off about her, her hair is a mess her makeup is smeared and it looks like she hasn't slept in days. Zuko confronts her saying that he will be the next Fire Lord.

Though Zuko believes he can defeat her Katara voices her thoughts "Zuko are you sure you can fight her?"

"I'm sure, I don't know what it is but she's slipping." Katara only nods her head as her and I move to safer place to watch the Agni Kai. As I watch I can't help but notice how deranged Azula looks.

"Where's the lightning Azula?" Zuko challenges Azula to use her lightning which was a mistake as she points her lightning towards Katara and I. I quickly hide Katara behind me when she shoots, Zuko tries to redirect it but is too slow.

As the lightning comes towards me I'm quick to redirect it to the sky. I fall to my knees feeling slightly weak. Katara comes to make sure I'm alright while the fight continues.

Azula takes a cheapshot at Zuko making him faint. Katara takes the initiative and fights Azula while I try to regain my energy and check on Zuko. In the corner of my eye I see Katara and Azula in ice. Zuko starts to groan and I lean down to check on him. "You alright there pretty boy?"

"When are you going to stop calling me that?" He continues to groan as he sits up. I wrap my arm around his torso and his arm around my shoulder to hold him up. When he stands up, with my help, we see Azula chained to the ground yelling and crying in her defeat. I hand Zuko over to Katara and walk up to Azula. "What are you doing? She could hurt you!"

"She can. But she won't" I look into Azula's eyes after she calmed down a bit, I'm slightly hurt when I could only see sadness and loneliness hidden in her eyes. Without thinking I go on my knees and hug Azula. I hoped that she could feel the reassurance I was trying to communicate through the hug. Azula continues to cry even louder than before but I just sit there and hug her until she fell asleep in my arms, the crying tiring her out.

I start to untie her hands but Zuko and Katara try to stop me. "Hey hey hey what are you doing?! Don't just untie her!" Zuko says.

"Don't worry she's asleep, if it makes you feel better I'll tie her hands together." I don't bother looking at them so I took their silence as an 'ok'. After tying up her hands I pick her up bridal style. "What do we do with her?"

"We put her in a mental hospital. She obviously isn't mentally stable, she needs help." Me and Katara nod in agreement. I look down at Azula to see her sleeping figure. My heart slightly hurts for her, we are the same age but she went through so much that her mind couldn't handle it.

~time skip~~two years later~

"Hey Azula how have you been." I walk up to the round table where Azula was sitting at, she was peacefully drawing what seemed to be people.

"Hi Y/N! I think I'm doing good, the doctors say that I'm keeping up with my meds and I've been improving with my behavior." She looks up at me, though she isn't in the best place she smiles.

"That's great Azula, I'm proud of you." I smile a big smile at her and put my hand on her shoulder. "What are you drawing? People?" When I questioned her drawing she is quick to push it toward me, eager to see her art skills.

"Look its me and you. When I get out of here we'll celebrate just the two of us, then I'm going to take you on a date!" She points a finger at me, a huge smirk on her face, she is determined.

"Well then I can't wait for that."I giggle slightly and grab a hold of her hand that was pointing at me, I bring her hand up to my lips and place a small kiss on it. "You better keep that promise, a girl can only be so patient."

"Of course I will"

The endddd.
Thank you for reading I don't really have anything to add sooo.

Ty Lee 🎪

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