Ozai x Reader

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Your POV:
I have been working for the Royal Family for a few years as a maid, mainly for Prince Zuko. But when Zuko got banished I was promoted to being a maid for Fire Lord Ozai.

When I first meet him he always wore this mad and intimidating face. Though from observing him, and working under him, I started to notice some little things he does. When he's stressed he'd stroke his long goatee, and how he gets excited before every war meeting, he is good at hiding his excitement in a smirk.

After two years I started developing feeling for him. Every time I saw him I started blushing and I could never keep my eyes off of him. And of course this didn't go unnoticed by my mutuals who also worked at the palace, so the other maids tried to make me talk to him saying that maybe I have a chance since he was single. But I never committed to actually talking to him like a normal person and always chickened out last minute.

I'm sure to him I look a little crazy, always staring at him like a stalker. But what can I say, he was extremely attractive and there a some redeeming qualities about him, like how he cares about his nation and the people in it, and how he is trying to make it even better.

But some things are just not ment to happen. When I get a letter from my father saying my mother was gravely ill and I needed to go see her before it's was too late. Working for the palace there aren't many days off, if any. It's a 24/7 job especially when assisting the Fire Lord. But my family is more important than any job.

Ozai POV:
I was sitting on my throne thinking up new ways to make my nation more powerful when someone walks into the room. I immediately recognize it's (Y/N), a maid that works at the palace. I know of her because I catched her many times staring at me. Of course I wanted to know why she would possibly be staring at me so I started to observate her. She was beautiful, that I knew that from seeing her the first time.

I also know she is caring and kind, she often would help the new servents and was a perfectionist. And after observing her I fell for her, hard.

"Lord Ozai, I came here to tell you that I will not be able to work, you see my mother has fallen ill and she might not survive." She constantly kept eye contact with me while she spoke, as if saying 'im going no matter what'.

"I'll allow it. You have a week off so cherish it." If she were anyone else I would fired them, but she isn't anyone else. "Though before you leave, why tell me you were going away? There could have been a possibility that I would've fired you, and you know that."

"It wouldn't have mattered. My family is more important to me than anything else." This shocked me, usually people saying that to me would be shaking fearing for their wellbeing, but she was calm and rather fierce.

"Ok, you may leave. Send your family my condolences." She bows to me before exiting the room most likely to pack for her trip back.

Even though her first words to me were that she was going to leave I still was quite surprised she managed to speak to me. And by the sound of things she is also very family oriented, that is a good quality for a queen- what am I saying? I shake my head a little to forget that last thought. But it wouldn't be a problem right? To marry her, have her become my queen. Maybe.

~time skip~~one week later~

Your POV
I was making my way into the palace when I caught a glimpse of Ozai speaking to a friend of mine. I didn't think much of it, thinking he was asking him to fetch him something, until Ozai and I made eye contact. We didn't look away from eachother for a while, lost in eachother's eyes.

After realizing we've been looking for a while I break eye contact and head to my room. I could feel my ears and cheeks heating up.

Why was he looking at me like that? My mind was spinning with questions. Could it be? Could he feel the same way? Maybe? Hopefully? But what would happen if he does like me back? Will I become his wife?

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even notice someone in front of me. When I finally did notice them we had bumped into eachother.

"Oh, I'm sorry" the person let out a chuckle.

"It's fine we all make mistakes." I looked up at the person to finally see Ozai slightly smiling at me. Before I could let out another apology he said, "why don't you join me to dinner? I'm sure you've had a rough week and it must've been tiring caring for your mother."

"Oh uhm if that fine then I'd love to," he smiles at me and walks away.

"Then I'll see you later tonight"

Pretty short chapter, ik most people don't like Ozai but whatever y'all request I shall write (even if it does take me months to update, sorry bout that)

Mai (part 2)🔪
Toph 🪨
Zuko 🔥
Katara 🌊
Azula 🔥

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