Toph x reader [part two]

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Part two of the second Toph x reader. Imagine two women can have kids without men😃

Your POV

After Toph taught all her students about Metalbending and them mastering it we decided to travel the four nations together. And after about four years of us being together I proposed where we had started, in Yu Dao, and had our wedding nearly a year later at the Fire Palace after Zuko's constant pushing for us to do so.

When Aang and Zuko created Republic City, about twenty years later, Toph became the Chief of Police. And with her new job came more responsibilities. It was especially difficult for our two daughters, Lin and Suyin. With Toph's demanding job she rarely had time to spend with our family and began pushing away our daughters, who both responded to it differently.

Suyin became a delinquent, hanging around the wrong crowd and causing problems for others, while Lin tried hard to please Toph by following in her footsteps and working with the police. Of course I tried my best to help the both of them but it was useless as they only wanted Toph's attention, but that didn't stop me and I continued to try helping the both of them.

On very rare occasions Toph would get a day off and I would suggest that we do something with the girls but she always rejected and used the day to get more sleep.

Eventually I got tired of it and when I got a letter from my cousin Katara to go visit the Southern Tribe for a week I took the offer and began packing for it.

"How long are going to be gone for?" Lin was the first to question. Currently everyone was seated in the living room but I was going around the house making sure I had all the necessary items to take with me. It was about noon and my ship left in less than an hour.

"Only a week but with travel time maybe two" this cause all of them to groan mostly in annoyance.

"Well can't we go with you? Make it a family trip." Lin says.

"You guys hate going to visit the water tribe. Always saying you can hardly bend, plus you and Toph are working and Suyin has school."

"How are we supposed to make the food? We'll starve without you here." Suyin begins to list all of the things they don't know how to do without me under her breath.

"You can go out to eat, or attempt to teach yourselves how to cook while I'm gone, as long as you don't burn down the kitchen I'm sure you'll be able to fend for yourselves." After finding the last item I was looking for I zip up my suitcase. "Since I have everything I'll be heading to the dock now" with a sigh I open the door.

"I'll walk you to the dock" Toph stands up and grabs my suitcase from my hand. We say quick goodbyes to the girls before heading out.

I grab Toph's unoccupied hand in my own as we walk down the streets of Republic City. We moved in a comfortable silence the entire way to the docks, enjoying eachother's presence.

When we get there I see a lot of people walking around and getting on ships that were preparing to set sail. I turn to Toph to grab my suitcase but I notice her sad expression. "Hey, what's wrong?" I grab her face and turn her to face me, I know she can't see me but I still like to look into her eyes.

"It's just that you're going to be gone for a while and I have no idea what I'm going to do with the girls." She holds my hands while she talks.

"You'll be fine. Just talk to them, the only thing they want is your attention." I lean in and kiss her for a few moments before pulling away. I take my suitcase and go to the ship on its way to the Southern Tribe. Before getting on though I turn around to yell a quick "I love you!" to Toph who heard it and replied with her own I love you.

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