Sokka x Reader

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So this will be set during Korra's time after Sokka has died💀. Y/N is Aang's cousin who is also an Airbender.

Katara's POV
I stood at the entrance of the training grounds waiting for my son, Tenzin, and his family so I can introduce them to Korra. When I see them land on the ground with thier bison I start to walk towards them. "It's nice to see you all again."

"Hello mother," Tenzin and my grandkids get off the bison. Meelo, the youngest, is on his dad's head chewing on it. Jinora and Iki airbend off of Oogi and play in the snow. "Please help me," Tenzin says. He detaches Meelo from his head and hands him to me.

"Unhand me strange women!"

"Meelo that's your grandmother," Tenzin let's out an exasperated sigh. I laugh and let go of him. Gradually we start to hear an engine of a snowmobile come towards us. We all look in the distance to see who was headed our way.

It wasn't till the person stopped in front of us and took off their goggles to reveal their blue arrows to realize who it was. They get off their snowmobile. "Y/N!" I go to her as fast as I could to give her a hug.

"Katara! It is so good to finally see you again. After all this years!" She hugs me back.

"Another Airbender! But how? My father was the last one," Tenzin asks her.

"Ah, you must be Tenzin. It is so good meet you," Y/N goes up to Tenzin and hugs him as well. "Why don't we go inside and I will explain everything." She smiles at everyone and walks toward me to latch her arm to mine and we walk together inside.

Your POV
We make our way inside of the White Lotus training facility and head towards the dinning room. When we get there we sit down and are handed tea by one of the White Lotus members.

"Well I guess I should introduce myself, I am Y/N, Aang's cousin."

"So you mean my father wasn't the only Airbender?"

"No, he wasn't in fact, I was with Aang in the iceberg for 100 years. I know you all know the story of how he was the last but really that was just a big lie that I made him and everyone else tell." I sip on my tea, the cold making my throat dry.

"But why? Why keep being one of the last airbenders a secret?" Pema, Tenzin's wife, asks me.

"After we ended the hundred year war I left my friends to travel and settle in a more secluded area of the world. High in the mountains where I could practice my airbending and live a life that I missed. I was in self isolation for about ten years of my life." I look down at my cup seeing my hands starting to shake.

"When I was 26 I ran into an old friend, Sokka."

"What? You met with my brother? I didn't even know he had been in contact with you."

"That why I'm here Katara. When I met him again we spent more time together and soon we fell in love. He proposed to me only 8 months after being together. Though it looked rushed it felt completely right and it was! We started a family together as well three airbenders and two non-benders."

"There are other airbenders? Besides us?" Jinora asks.

"Why didn't Sokka tell me about this? All this time I thought he died withought children of his own. Why didn't you show up to the funeral when he died?" Katara's face saddens.

"When Sokka died I sent a letter to Aang and told him everything, I even sent him a photo of our family." Sigh "I also told him we couldn't come because I didn't want my family to feel uncomfortable around people they didn't even know and most of them were in their teens by then so they also agreed to not going. We held a small memorial for him at our home."

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