Mai x Reader (part 1)

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When Zuko 👁️👄🔥 left Mai👁️👄👁️🔪

Mai's POV
THAT BASTARD. He left again and all he can do is leave a stupid note?! Why? Why was I such a fool to believe him? Of course, it was too good to be true.

*Knock knock*

The door opened quickly showing the (h/c) haired girl next to it, it seemed like she was reading a news article. "Hey Mai have you seen th-" as she looked up at me she noticed the tears that were close to falling. Instantly she was by my side and holding me in her arms.

"H-he left. He left me (Y/N)!" She held me tighter as I burried my face in her shoulder. I crumbled the letter in my hand but let it go as I felt (Y/N) grab it from my hand.

As she read the letter her eyes slanted in an angry expression showed up on her face.

Your POV
That jackass, how could he do that to Mai? And to help the Avatar? I held Mai even tighter I know that she doesn't like to show her emotions a lot but I wanted her to know that I was there for her.

"Hey Mai?" She looked up at me with her red puffy eyes, her cheeks were tear stained, I quickly wiped away the tears and cupped her cheeks "why don't we go to dinner? My treat, get ready we are going somewhere fancy" I smiled at her and held her hand and squeezing a bit before letting go and walking towards the door.

"Uh, but Y-" She tried to speak but I interrupted her.

"No buts, you're going. I'll be back at 8 so be ready." I turned my head towards her and smiled before turning back around and closing the door behind me. I looked down at my hand that still held the note from the prince.

"I'm so sorry Mai, it's time that I find my true destiny and I believe that it's helping the Avatar defeat my father. I hope you cou-" I lit the note on fire with my (f/c) flames displaying my true rage towards the prince.

I'll kill that bastard, hurting Mai is the last thing he should have done. It doesn't matter now I should go home and get ready. I walk home to get ready with only two hours to get dressed.

~le time eskip~~two hours later~

I sat in the palanquin on the way to Mai's home, almost lost in a daze daydreaming of how I'll hurt Prince Zuko 10x worst for what he did to Mai. I felt the palanquin stop as I realized that I was in front of Mai's house. I got out and walked up the stairs to her door and knocking twice only waiting a few moments before the door opened.

As I saw the door open I saw Mai in a beautiful black dress.

As I saw the door open I saw Mai in a beautiful black dress

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"W-wow Mai you look absolutely stunning." My eyes widened and my cheeks starting warming up.

"Thanks. You.. look nice too" I blushed more as that was the nicest thing she has ever said to me.

"Thank you, but it's really nothing. Come I made a reservation for us at the nicest restaurant in the fire nation!" I explained to her and held out my hand for her to take. She giggled a bit at my enthusiastic tone and took my hand and we walked towards the palanquin, to take us to the restaurant.

"(Y/N), I wanted to say thank you. You've always been there for me, ever since we were kids. You truly are a kind person." I blushed madly. I then felt Mai kiss me on my cheek and hold my hand as the palanquin stopped at the restaurant. At this point I was tomato red.

~another etime skipp~~back at Mai's housee~

Laughs and giggles echoed through the cool air as we reached the top of the stairs. "I had a great time tonight Mai."

"I did too. I don't think I've laughed this much since we were children!" Mai smiled at me. We grew quite as we realized it was the end of night and nearly time for me to leave.

"I guess it time for me-" I was cut off as lips attached to mine. Realizing their Mai's I quickly kiss back. I grab her by her waist and pull her closer not wanting this to end. After a while we pull apart.

We look eachother in the eye and let go. I blush madly. "I-i should probably go.." I say shyly. Mai slowly nods her head in agreement. "I'll see you tomorrow, bye"

"Bye" i walk away down the stairs but as I reach the bottom I look back up at where we stood seeing Mai still there looking at me. I wave my hand at her goodbye as she does the same. I get on the palanquin excited for the days to come.

Ohhhhh my goodness
I really liked this one and I low-key want to make a part two to it, should I👁️👄👁️???

Anyway hope y'all have a good day or night and please recommend characters or prompts you want to see.


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