Toph x Reader

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Around two years before Toph meets the gaang

Your POV
*Sigh* there's never anything fun to do around here! I flopped on my bed waiting and waiting for something fun to happen.

*Knock knock*
"Come in!" I yelled, being to lazy to even get up.

"Miss Y/N your parents would like you to get ready you will be traveling with them to the Beifong residents," my Butler Henry told me, he was about 6'1 brown hair and I'd say around his 30's.

"The Beifong's? I thought our families stopped talking to eachother a long time ago?" I asked. The Beifong's and my family have been rivals for the past five years or so. Why? I have no idea.

"Yes but I'm afraid I don't know, all your father told me was to have you ready by four and on a carriage to the Beifong residents." He explained to me, not really helping me with my question.

"Alright, fine. I assume he wants me to wear something formal?" I questioned. Henry simply nodded his head. I sighed and finally stood up, then Henry left.

Toph's POV
I walked around the garden trying to find a place where the guards won't see me using my earthbending. Then I heard a voice, it was a guard and they were heading my way.

"Miss Toph, your parents are requesting your presence." Hm? That's odd they never ask a guard to come get me. Oh well.

"Ok, take me to them please" I say. We started walking towards the room they were in. "Do you know why they want to see me?" I asked the guard.

"It's regarding your future marital status. To who? I don't know. When, also don't know." This is why he's my favorite guard, he knows what I'm going to say before I even say it. Kim, is his name, he has been working for my family for as long as I can remember always right there next to me.

"Oh well, at least you can tell me what to expect, thanks." Just then we made it outside the door to the room my parents were in, waiting for me. I sigh then reluctantly walk in.

Your POV
When I was finally ready it was about 3:30 which means it was almost time to leave. I might as well wait in my room until it's time to go

~le time skip~~30 minutes later~

*Knock knock*
"Miss Y/N, it's time to leave for the Beifong estate" Ugh finally. I open the door, being greated by Henry. We walk in silence as we go towards the door that lead us to the outside where my parents are waiting.

"Ah! My prescious Y/N you look absolutely gorgeous!" My mother said to me.

"Yes, you do look fantastic!" My father praised me. I thought I looked average. "Come now, get in the carriage." Father first helped me then mom into the carriage before getting in.

"May I ask a question?" My parents both looked at me then nod simultaneously. I then feel the carriage start to move. "Why are we going to the Beifong residents? I thought that our family cut ties with them." I gave then a serious look. I see my father tense up a bit before relaxing.

"Yes our family cut ties but, it is time for a new era for our families." My father started, "We will be going to visit so that you will be acquainted with Toph Beifong, their daughter." At this I was surprised.

"I had no idea they had a daughter! What is she like? Is she my age? Is-" before I could finish my mother stopped me.

"Your questions will be answered when we get there, but for now I can tell you she is your age," so 10, "and is very quiet." Hm Im going to see for myself just who this Toph Beifong is.

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