Toph x reader (part 1)

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After the war Y/N separates herself from the Gaang to travel the world by herself, along the way reuniting with an old friend. Toph is about 16 in this.

Your POV
As I follow the trail to Yu Dao I start to grow tired. I have been walking for about ten days through the summer heat. I grab my water pouch and open the lid hoping to have a little water left. As I bring the pouch to my lips despair and disappointment is all I'm left with.

"WHAT GOOD IS BEING A WATER BENDER IF I DON'T HAVE ANY WATER!" I slam my water pouch on the ground and stomp on it. "This. Is. So. Infuriating." I continue to stomp on the pouch between each word. Whatever. I pick up the pouch and keep on following the trail.

After ten minutes I finally make it to the town. Yu Dao, huh looks nice. I should probably look for a motel to stay at. I set off to find the motel as the sun was about to set.

When I make it to the motel I waste no time to check in and settle in my room. It was small, a bed nightstand and closet were close to eachother. I took of my shoes and fell onto the bed. As I was about to shut my eyes I felt a cold breeze. What the heck. I sit up and look towards the window realizing that it was open.

As I'm about to close the window I notice a shadow loom over me, I look up a see a building hiding the moonlight. I tried reading the words on the building, academy. Is all I could read as it was too dark to read the rest. Maybe I'll ask around tomorrow to find out what it is.

~time skip~~the next morning~

When I wake up I cover my eyes with my arm, the sunlight being bright. I decide to get up and take a quick shower.

After the shower and getting dressed I leave the room to go into town and ask about the academy. While walking around I spot a fruit merchant and walk up to him. "Hey can I get two apples?" I hand him two silver prices in exchange. When he hands me the apples I'm about to walk away before I ask him about the building.

"Oh the building on top of the hill is the Beifong Metalbending Academy. Could you believe it, a little girl invented metalbending." I stood there slightly shocked, Toph was here teaching other people how to metalbend. When I get out of my shocked phase I answer the man.

"Yea it's amazing, see ya around man." Maybe I should visit her. Will she be happy to see me? It's been a while since I last saw her. After a while I decide to go see her.

When I get to the door of the academy I can hear yelling and weird noises coming from inside. "C'mon maggots you guys aren't working hard enough!"

"Right ma'am!" Multiple voices answer the other. I stepped inside and see Toph sitting on some bended ground and four students in an earthbender stance. As I'm about to take more steps inside the ground around my feet trap me.

"Who are and what is your business here?" I hear Toph's assertive voice say to me.

"Jeez Toph I thought we were friends! You always said you could remember people footsteps, was that a lie or did you just forget me?" I held a smug look on my face as I see Toph's exited face. She quickly frees my feet and runs up to me.

"Y/N!" She hugs me tight and I do the same. When we let go I reach into my satchel and grab one of the apples.

"You want an apple, shorty?" Toph glared at my direction then grabbed the apple before walking away angry.

"I thought I said to stop calling me that?" She sat down where she did previously and ate the apple. "Class dismissed I'll see you guys tomorrow, but don't forget to train on your own time as well."

"Yes ma'am!" The four kids fled out the door probably happy to be free from Toph's clutches. I took out the other apple and began to eat it as well.

"So how has traveling the world been?" She looks toward me but not at me which I think is cute.

"Well it's really fun! I met a lot of new people and I learned a lot too. I remember stopping by a Fire Nation school that teaches martial arts, I learned how to blacksmith and met an earth kingdom lady who teached me how to cook!" As I say this I see Toph smiling a bit.

"That's cool, maybe you could make me something to eat next time, can't really cook when you're blind," her and I giggled at the joke. This kept on for hours just catching up and laughing with eachother. By the time I realized it had started to get late it was really dark outside.

"I should get going it's pretty dark out and I'm sure your tired." Just as I said that Toph yawned which caused me to giggle. I stood up from my spot and turned to Toph who also stood up.

"Yea your right I'm pretty tired...." Toph kept quit and looked down. She looked sad, when I realized this I put my finger under her chin and caused her to look at me.

"What wrong Toph?" I asked. She started tearing up and her lips started quivering. I immediately went to comfort her in the form of a hug. She hugged back super tight as if I were to dissolve.

"Please don't leave me! Four years were far too long for you to be gone, please! Don't leave me again!" I hugged her tighter as she did the same.

"Toph, I'm not going anywhere. Not anymore, my journey is over this was the last stop before I went to go find you... I know you might not feel the same but I've had a crush on you since we met." She stays quiet so I continue. "When I met you I remember being enamored by you. You were strong and outgoing, you never let your blindness affect you instead you became better because of it." Before I could continue more Toph wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. I kissed back and the feeling of bliss was all I could feel. I held her waist and pulled her closer.

When we pulled apart Toph said "I've also had a crush on you since we met, though I didn't know it back then I figured it out when you left. I was sad but I told myself that the next time we meet again I would confess to you." Toph lowers her head.

"Hey Toph, I have a question for you"

"What is it?"

"You want to go on a journey with me?"

That it y'all hope y'all enjoyed.
Bruh I low-key wanna make a BNHA fanfic buuut idkkk.
Chile anyway make sure to leave requests if you have one. Byeeeee
Oh also I might not be able to post as often I'll try but I have school.

Ty Lee 🎪

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