Zuko x Reader

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The agni kai against Azula goes a lil differently 😍✌🏼(non-bender reader)

Third Person POV
The air was tense, it was the final battle during Sozin's Comet. Both sides hope to be victorious.

Currently, Zuko is confronting Azula during her coronation, his two friends behind him, letting him fight his own battles. Y/N and Katara hide behind two pillars as the siblings' fire gets close to them.

Zuko and Azula's match-off is intense. Blue and orange fire battling each other.

"Is it just me or is Azula getting tired way too easily?" I tell Katara.

"Yeah, that looks like it. But that's good, the sooner she depletes her energy the better."

Zuko lets out an immense amount of fire toward Azula. She is quick to dodge and uses her fire bending to get closer to Zuko. Blow after blow Azula isn't backing off, but neither is Zuko.

Back then Zuko wouldn't have been able to keep up with her. I guess his training with Iroh is really paying off.

The battle goes on until Zuko gets the upper hand and has Azula rolling on the ground a couple of meters away.

"No lighting today? What's the matter, afraid I'll redirect it?" Zuko says as Katara and I make our way closer to him.

"Oh, I'll show you lighting!" Azula starts summoning lighting and Zuko gets ready to redirect.

Azula is about to shoot out her lighting when I see her eyes focus on something else. Katara!

It's as if time moved in slow motion, and there was only one choice to make. I push Katara out of the way and take Azula's lighting.

Zuko's POV
"Y/N!" Katara and I rush towards her. Electricity is zapping around Y/N's body. Dread washes over me.

Azula shoots more lighting between us and Y/N, preventing us from getting to her. Azula's laughter is fuel to my anger and sadness.

"Zuko! Protect Y/N, I'll handle Azula!" Katara starts going head-to-head with Azula and I rush toward Y/N again. I get down on my knees and check her breathing.

"Come on Y/N, you got to be strong and wake up." I wrap my arms around her, not caring about the electricity zapping me.

"Please, wake up!" Tears flow down my face but I knew it was all useless. She's gone, and I never got to tell her I loved her, all because of my selfishness

Yall it's been like 1+ year since I published something💀

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