Azula x Reader

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I'mma base this story around the Ember Island episode (also this is a request so hope you like it 😁)

Your POV
"I'm so exited to spend the weekend on Ember Island!" An enthusiastic Ty Lee said, "it's gonna be great to hang out on the beach and do nothing"

"Doing nothing is a waste of time. We're being sent away on a forced vacation," Zuko said. I can see that this is bothering him a lot and although him and I don't talk much I still consider him a friend so I want him to be happy while we're here.

"Lighten up. So dad wants to meet with his advisors alone, without anyone else around,"Azula, my bestfriend, said. I zoned out the rest of the conversation until we got to the island. No longer interested in the discussion.

When we arrived to the island we were greeted by Lo and Li, "Welcome to Ember Island kids," they said simultaneously. We all got off the ship, first one off was Azula, then Ty Lee, Mai, Zuko and I being the last one off with the help of Azula who insisted I take her hand to help myself off. Even though I am fully capable of doing it myself.

But it has always been like this. Azula and I have known each other since we were kids, we went to the same all girls fire nation school, along with Mai and Ty Lee. When we were kids we would train with each other to strengthen our ability with fire. If one of us thinks we have gotten significantly stronger we'd battle each other in an Agni Kai, some how always ending in a tie though.

But when we weren't training we were talking about things in life that interest us and what ever came to mind. We are bestfriends and we'd do anything to protect each other from any harm. If any body looked at us the wrong way the other would immediately show them who's boss.

Oh wow I was so busy with monologue we already made it to the house we were staying at. "It smells like old lady in here," Zuko said.

"Gee, I wonder why," Mai said. She always comes back with a sassy remark which is something I admire about her. I walked over to Azula and grabbed her arm.

"What is it (Y/N)?" She looked at me and said. I gave her my best -_- face I could make which clearly showed my disapproval of the smell.

"Who are these two beautiful women?" We heard Ty Lee say. We all walk over to see the painting on the wall of two young women.

"Can't you tell?" Lo or Li said.

"It's Li and me"

"It's Lo and me"

They say as they make the same butt to butt pose like the one in the painting. I go pale as I watch and I hear Zuko gag as he looked as well. When Zuko and I finally gain our composure back we all continue the day looking around the house.

~time skip~~a few moments later~

"Time to hit the beach!" Lo and Li said as they took of their robes to show their beach wear. Mai covers Zuko's eyes while I lean my head on Azula's shoulder with a pale face.

"(Y/N)? Are you alright you look very pale," Azula asked me.

I merely looked at her and said "I'm going to go bleach my eyes wait here for a second." Still with a pale face I start to walk away but Azula held me back from going any further.

"Come on, let's get ready to head to the beach!" Ty Lee said.

~le time skip~~at ze beach~

As we got to the beach we saw a lot of people with their family and friends having a good time. Stomp. Azula steps on a children's sand castle and looks at them a menacing way, they got scared and ran away, giving us a spot to put all our stuff down.

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